Summer Nights: Regina George X Reader

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Sorry for not posting for a couple days. Here's something to make up for it.

The sun setting on the sea of the California Coast was the signal of the end of one of the best romance stories you've ever been a part of. You felt your heart begin to ache as she trailed her fingers across the curves of your face and looked deep into your eyes that were glassy with unshed tears. "Do we have to do this?" She asked. "W-We could always call one another, Skype or something; we don't have to-" "Regina..." You sighed, feeling your heart sink deeper when you realized you had to be the rational one here. "You and I both know that we can't do that." "Why not?" Regina said hopefully. "There's always another way." "We live a thousand miles apart, Regina! And-And we'll both be seniors this year before we go off to college... The likelihood of the two of us being together is..." You didn't want to finish your sentence but you had hoped Regina understood. "I'm sorry, but we can't do this." Regina looked at her feet, biting her lip in thought. "Maybe... Maybe you're right. But you just better know now that you'll be in my thoughts. It's gonna suck seeing your stupidly beautiful face and it's all your fault. You laughed, "And you'll be in mine. I love you so much, Regina George." "And I love you, Y/N L/N." Returning back to school had been hard for Regina. She just had the best summer ever and had to pretend like spending the summer in California was just soaking up the sun, shopping on Rodeo Drive, and toying around the Cali-hotties. Luckily for her, her friends bought it and didn't think anything of it after. Everyone was getting prepared to go off to class when Janis was called down to the office over the loudspeaker. "Shit," She swore. "I forgot, I have to go show the new transfer student around school." "Transfer student?" Damian questioned. "Since when do you show them around?" "Since the end of last year when I asked to. Thought it'd be a good idea considering how hectic last year went. No offense, Caddy." "None taken." She grumbled. "Anyone wanna come with?" "Ooh, me!" Damian exclaimed. "So, what's the fresh meat's name?" Janis looked at the email the school sent her on her phone, "A girl named Y/N L/N from (home state)." Regina, who had been packing away her makeup into her bag suddenly froze. To everyone else, the name was foreign, but to her, it was a name that hadn't left her mind since she parted ways with the beautiful woman on the beach of Santa Monica. Your face was still fresh in her mind, your eye color and hair color still vividly painted when she pictured you. Hearing your name and realizing what it had meant in the sentence Janis said, her heart was nearly ready to explode. Everyone had departed save for Cady who had the same class as Regina early in the morning (they decided together there). Cady soon saw Regina's frozen, rigid stance as she stared into the emptiness of her yet-to-be-filled locker. "Um, Regina? You okay there?" "Yeah," Regina sighed. "I'm fine." Regina hadn't seen you in any of her classes yet which relieved her a little bit but that didn't mean she didn't see you in the halls. And every time her eyes caught the sight of your (hair color) hair, she'd find an exit to take or turn her head instantly so you wouldn't see her face. She didn't exactly know how to face you yet. Sure, she knew that you seeing her would eventually be inevitable, especially since she noticed you talking to Janis, Damian, and Cady in the halls. But when she did reunite with you, how could she explain to her friends how you two knew one another? See, Regina wasn't exactly out to everyone- or anyone, for that matter- yet and she was scared that you would instantly say something to her about the little fling you guys had. She knew that would be the outcome since she told you that she was fully out in the open when she was totally lying to you just so you guys could go out on dates over the summer and make out as much as she liked. Unfortunately for Regina, seventh period was when she had her downfall. Regina found that you were in her gym class. There was no avoiding you now. She thought about covering her face with her hair, but that could only work for so long. Maybe she could just pretend not to know you! ...But that would only make things worse for her and you. Because she really felt something for you and she knew that if she just pretended like you were nothing, she'd only end up hurting you. That was the last thing she wanted to do. Regina managed to avoid you during warm-ups, but she wasn't so lucky during soccer. Placed on opposing teams, Regina did her part in keeping her head down the entire time. Her team found it a bit odd since she was practically their best player after her physical therapist recommended sports for her. Still, she stayed quiet and unmoving. That is until someone practically tackled her to the ground. "Oh, shit! I'm so-so... Regina?" And in that "meet cute" moment of Regina's life, she blinked away the shock of being knocked over from her eyes. And, with the luck she had been facing that day, there you were, wearing the exact same hairstyle you always wore. God, you even were wearing the same perfume as you always did. But what could she do? She considered her previous thought for all but a moment. Her words betrayed her, though, and she couldn't stop herself anymore. "Y/N..." She didn't even sound surprised. She just... sighed. "Y-You go here?" You asked. "Yeah..." Regina heard the coach blow the whistle and scream for you two to get off one another. "B-But can we talk about this later?" "Yeah, of course." Regina had told you that you two should meet up at her locker after school so you could walk home together since you didn't have a ride and you figured you could use the experience to get to know your new neighborhood. So, that's what you did. It was surprising, for her to tell you to come over and all. You had thought she'd be happier to see you. "I'm sorry about how I acted earlier," Regina confessed. "I was hoping you'd bring that up, actually." "It's just... I never expected to see you again. I didn't know what to do, how to act." Regina said slowly. "And I'm not out yet because I can tell you that if I was, I would've kissed you so hard on that soccer field." "Listen, it's okay-" "No, it's not! I was so scared that I even considered not knowing who you were." "But you didn't, Regina," You smiled. "And, listen, I'm not going to be mad at you for being afraid to do anything if people don't know you're gay yet. Seriously, I'd never do anything to make you feel uncomfortable... I only hope that what we had still can work... If you want it to." Regina took your hand in hers and pulled you behind a tree in the nearby park. "I still do. Even after we left each other, I wanted to run back to you... Now, about that kiss I wanted to give you?"

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