Meeting the Parents: Janis x Reader

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Credit to my good friend Meangirlsx on tumblr
Hey, so it's been a while so I'm here to bless y'all with a Janis x Reader. Enjoy!

"I think I'm coming down with something." You let out a laugh. Janis was getting ready to meet your parents for the first time and she was somewhere between tense and terrified. "You're not sick, Janis." "I have a tickle in my throat. Come feel my forehead." Much closer to terrified than tense, clearly. "You sound like a kid trying to skip school." You turned to face her. "Janis, if you don't want to meet my parents, yet, you don't have to. I don't want to force this on you or rush anything." "That's not the problem," Janis said, then breathed out slowly.
You watched as she sat down next to you on her bed. "You're not forcing me. You asked and I told you I wanted to meet them, and I meant it." "Then what's the problem? Does it feel too fast? Like we're not there, yet? Because if that's the case—" "No!" she said quickly, cutting you off and leaning forward to place her hands over yours in your lap. "It's the opposite." You waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts. When she spoke again, her voice was softer and lower. "This feels serious. And I'm serious about us. So I want to meet your parents. It's just...I am serious about us. About you. And I want this to last. So of course I want to meet your parents. But I want this to last." You furrowed your eyebrows, confused. "So do I. So what's bothering you?" "It sounds stupid and cliché." She shook her head like she couldn't believe what she was thinking. "But I'm afraid your parents won't like me. I'm not the kind of person parents dream of their kid bringing home. I dress differently. I look intimidating. I'm loud and sarcastic and opinionated. And I love who I am. But what if your parents don't? You mean so much to me. I don't want to lose you." "I'm not going anywhere." You pulled her hands closer to you. "My parents know how much I care about you, and they're going to love you anyway, but when they see how much you care about me, they're going to be even more sold. They just want to know I'm happy and in good hands. And I am." Janis pulled you into a tight hug. You hugged her back just as tightly, if not more. You knew she needed it. "Thank you," she said gently. As she pulled away, she pressed a kiss to your temple, then stood and continued getting ready. At your house, right before you opened the front door, Janis took hold of your hand. You looked up to meet her eyes. You could see fear, but also hope. Hope for the evening to go well. Hope that your parents would like her. Hope that you really could have a future together. "Nothing that happens tonight is going to change how I feel about you," you said. "But I know you and I know them. They're not going to want me to change how I feel about you. I can hear them now, telling me 'This one's a keeper.' And I can picture their smiles when they see how happy we are." She nodded. She was ready. You opened the door, and in you went. Janis was nervous and a bit quiet at first, but her nerves made her especially polite. What could be a better way to start? They asked her questions about school, her hobbies, her friends, and her answers seemed to charm them. They loved hearing how passionate she was about her art, which they asked more questions about. They also seemed impressed by how loyal she seemed to be to her friends and how much she loved them. When she started asking questions about them, they were shocked. They hadn't expected her to want to talk about them, too. But she did, and she made it clear with every new question she posed. By the end of the night, it was very clear to you that your parents completely loved her. You had no doubt that they would, but knowing it and seeing it were very different things, and it warmed your heart to see how much they liked her. You especially liked knowing that it truly was the real her that they liked. She didn't try to pretend to be anything other than exactly who she was, and you could tell that your parents appreciated her even more for it. After saying her goodbyes, including hugs from both of your parents, you walked her outside. She looked at you with questioning eyes. "They totally loved you." She beamed. "You really think so?" "I'm positive. But I'm not surprised. What's not to love?" Her grin fell into a more reserved, shy smile. "Thank you for meeting them. I talk about you so much and they were getting really excited to meet you. "Thank you for convincing me not to bail. They were great. I really like them, too." Your mind wandered back to the conversation you had before you had gone inside. You had told her nothing that happened with your parents would change how you felt about her, but that didn't feel true anymore. You felt even stronger about her, now. "I think I lied earlier, when I said nothing would change how I feel about you." She raised her eyebrows at you, silently encouraging you to go on. "Or, maybe I didn't lie. But I was wrong. You were so amazing with them. You made them so happy. And you make me so happy." You took a breath, a bit scared, but sure. "I love you. And that's not just because of tonight. This just solidified it." "I love you, too," Janis said, smiling at you. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was afraid that I would say it and then your parents would hate me and you would feel caught in the middle." You took a step closer to her. "Well, they love you. And I love you. So I think we're good." "I think we're great." She wrapped her arms around you and pulled you into a soft kiss. It took a long moment for the two of you to break apart. "I'll text you when I'm home," she said. She leaned in for one more kiss before heading home. You waved to each other as she drove away. You waited for a moment after she was out of view, just smiling to yourself. Your parents loved Janis. You loved Janis. Janis loved you. And your relationship was strong. You were happy together. Really happy. With one more long breath, you turned to head inside, ready to hear what your parents had to say about Janis.

Please follow meangirlsx on tumblr I'm sure it would mean a lot to her. Tell her Percabeth15 sent you.

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