Janis X Reader

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What are you, Janis? Are you a lesbian?" Regina harassed Janis, "Well, Janis? Huh? Are you?"
"I-uh" Janis froze up. What was she supposed to do? She couldn't really say anything.
"What the hell, Regina?" The voice of Janis's best friend, long time crush, and current savior, Y/N Y/L/N, called, "What is going on here?"
"Just asking Janis a question," Regina answered, "doesn't concern you."
"It sure as hell does concern me," you shoot back, "first of all, you concern me, and second, if it involves Janis, it involves me."
"Why? Are you two dating?" She asked, as if taunting you about the nonexistent relationship.
"N-no." You looked down. You were quickly losing nerve, then you saw it. The necklace you gave her for her birthday, she held it in her hand. She was tangled up in her fingers as she nervous fidgeted.
It was so cute. This girl was your weakness, and she didn't even know it.
"That doesn't matter. Who's dating, and who isn't; who's gay, and who isn't. It won't matter in 10 years, it won't matter in 5 years, and it doesn't matter in now," you finish.
"She still didn't answer my question." Regina replied. She turned around to face Janis, "Are. You. A. Lesbian."
This time it wasn't even a question. It was phrased as a statement, a confusing and misleading sentence. Then Janis made a bad decision, a very bad decision.
"I'm a space alien, and I have four butts," she blurted, not thinking, only wanting out of the situation she was currently facing.
After the incident, you stuck with Janis. You stuck with Janis when she needed a shoulder to cry on, you were with Janis when someone wrote "Space Dyke" on her locker, you stuck with her when she was homeschooled for a year, and you stuck with her when she came back and became friends with Damian. You two became closer and closer over time, both oblivious to the other's feelings.
One day, however, after a pep talk from Damian, Janis decided to ask you out. She walked up to your locker with a plan and a lot of caffeine.
"Y/N?" After she said that, you turned around to look at her, and she almost died. She had a plan, though, and she needed to do this.
"Yes, Janis?" You closed your locker.
"I-um. Do you remember last year when Regina was picking on me, and you stood up for me?" She started fidgeting with her fingers.
"Of course I do," you stated, "but why mention it?"
"See, Regina asked you a question. She asked if we were dating. I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to do that," she nervously said.
"D-date?" you asked, half believing you heard wrong, but so hoping you hadn't.
"I-uh. Yes? It's okay if you say no. I just really like you, and-" she started to ramble a bit, but was cut off by you kissing her. The girl you'd had a crush on forever. Regina walked up to make a comment, though you'll never know what it was because, before she could say it, Janis flipped her off and pushed you up against your locker. It was a perfect moment. You wouldn't change a thing about it.

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