Aaron Samuels x reader

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Credit to you- thinks-wrong-Romeo on tumblr

"Hey, bro,"  you joked as you climbed into the passenger seat of Aaron's car. He had been driving you to and from school as much as possible since he had turned 16 and gotten his driver's license and his car. The tradition had only paused once in all of this time: when Aaron was dating Regina. She demanded his attention every second of every day and didn't let him hang out with you as much. She got him all of the time. But you weren't jealous. Just annoyed. "Of course, bro,"  he returned hesitantly, confusing you for a second before you wrote it off as him being tired, "you're gonna need to find another ride from school. Soccer practice." "That's fine. I'll watch,"  you replied, knowing very well but Damian would drive you home if you asked. "Are you sure? It'll be boring." Aaron looked over at you, searching in vain for any sign of hesitancy in your face. "Are you kidding?"  You asked jokingly, "cute boys playing sports? I'm there."  There was really only one "cute boy" you care about,  but unfortunately, he was your best friend. I mean, it's not like Aaron would like you back in that way, right? "Yeah," he laughed, "I get that." The rest of the ride was filled with comfortable silence. As buildings passed by the window, you thought about your friendship with Aaron. You were very close, and you liked him. You had a crush on your best friend, it sounded like one of those cheesy rom-coms he'd put on when you're upset. This wasn't a rom-com, though. This wasn't likely to end up with the two beautiful leads kissing passionately in the rain. it would likely end with you pining over a boy that would never like you back. You eventually arrived at school. You got out of the car and slung your backpack over your shoulder before walking into school with Aaron. He grabbed your shoulder and pull you into him as you did. As a relaxed into the familiar warmth, you wondered what others might be thinking. Did they think you two were dating? That thought made you wander back into that part of your brain that really liked the idea of you and Aaron dating. You tried not to. You tried to stop from developing a crush on him, but how could you not? He was almost perfect. "Aaron," you said in a questioning tone, gaining the boy's attention, "do you ever feel – I don't know – weird about our friendship? I mean, we're around each other all the time, we're touching each other constantly. Do you think some people might think we're..." You trailed off at the end, assuming he knew what you meant. "We're what?" He asked you, an expression of confusion covering his face. "Dating," you replied, though it came out as more of a question than an answer. "Oh," he said in response as a light blush covered his face, though you didn't notice, "I don't think so, but who really cares?" "Well, I mean, what if you liked someone? They might think we were dating," you said, a pain appearing in your stomach at the idea of him liking someone else. "You don't have to worry about that," he pulled you the slightest bit closer to him, "my crush knows." Your stomach dropped at his words. You knew he probably liked someone, and that it probably wasn't you, but the reality of it, the fact that he really liked someone, you weren't ready for it. 'It could be you,' that hopeful, stupid part of your brain suggested. 'No it can't,' you argued with yourself, 'it can't be me. He's never flirted with me, or even treated me differently than any of his other friends. That's all you were, friends. Hope gets you nowhere,' you concluded as you turned the corner. "Ew," Damian said to you and Aaron in greeting. "What?" You asked back, confused. "Just... love... couples... gross. You two included," he finished, pointing between the two of you. "I– we're not–" Aaron tried to explain. "We don't act like a couple, huh?" You teased him. He looked at you with an expression clearly supposed to indicate annoyance, but it came across differently. It felt more like that moment when you want to tell someone something important but can't bear to do it for one reason or another. You tried to tell yourself that it wasn't important. If it was important, he'd tell you, right? The rest of the day passed with little to no issues. A little teasing from Janis, Damian, and Cady, though, it was mostly Damian commenting on him being "the only single friend," a point that Aaron and you protested. After lunch, you had no classes with any of your group. This usually felt boring to you, but today   V you just felt relieved. The endless teasing from your friends was tiring, and it even made you want to avoid Aaron. You never would, though, it was almost impossible, but the teasing was just so annoying. Aaron has even started holding you a little less tightly, his smile upon seeing you grew a little dimmer. Luckily, you were seeing each other after school today. You could hang out then. You could enjoy being around him again. Aaron walked out onto the field for soccer practice, immediately being jumped on by his teammates. "Hey, Samuels," someone yelled, "I saw you and your crush in the hall today. You dating yet?" "Yeah, Aaron! You finally get the courage to ask them out?" Another boy shouted prompting laughter from the other boys. "Oh, shut up," Aaron shouted, "Y/N's coming to practice today, so... just, don't embarrass me, okay?" Mutters of reluctant agreement were heard from the boys. You arrived at the field after that. You sat down the bleachers, confused by the boys' varying energy levels, from low energy to pumped up to a small cluster of boys talking softly to each other with mischievous looks on their faces. Aaron had been right, it was kind of boring. You got your homework done before looking up the field to actually watch a little. Just then, Aaron scored a goal on their goalie and went to give a younger boy some tips on how to do the same. You stared at him as he did so, it was one of the only times he was too busy to notice you doing this, and you took full advantage. He was so caring and patient as the boy tried to do the maneuver again and again. You were thinking over this when– "Hey!" a boy's voice spoke behind you, making you jump, "Chill out! You know, you would've noticed me if you weren't staring at Aaron. And before you try to deny it, we both know you were." "Okay, so what? Did you just come over here to tell me something we both know?" You asked, turning around to face him. "I'll tell you what I came here to tell you," he said, "but you have to agree to not argue, at least until I'm done." "What? Are you on the debate team?" You asked sarcastically. "I'm the captain, actually," he replied with pride. "Wait, really?" You asked forcing back a laugh. "I like to compete," he shrugged, "now, do you agree?" "Fine," you replied. "Okay," he started, "You and Aaron are in love with each other. Listen, you at least know that you like him. A lot. Right? I mean, you're here watching us practice." "Aaron's my ride home!" You protested. "Let me finish," he said, "could you not get another ride? You know nobody else that has a car and nothing to do after school? Plus, you're always around him. It's obvious that you have a massive crush on him." "And? It's not like he likes me," you said with a harsh tone. "Oh, don't get all self-deprecating," he said, annoyed. "It's not self-deprecating if it's true," you pointed out. "It's not true if he's told us all about his crush on you," he mocked. "Yeah, right," you scoffed. "Seriously, Y/N," he insisted. "How do you know my name?" You inquired suddenly. "Because Aaron talks about you all the time!" His exclamation startling you, both because of the volume of it and what he said. Aaron talked about you. Aaron talked about you enough that his friends, people you'd never met, knew who you were. Aaron had fallen for you, just how you had fallen for him. The boy left quickly so he wouldn't be caught slacking during practice. This left you alone once again, but now you had something to think about. You thought about what you were going to do for a while. Aaron walked up to you after practice. He looked incredibly tired, but he had a big, almost apologetic, smile on his face. "Hey," he started, "sorry you had to stay all this time." "It's really no problem," you replied, "I think it was actually a pretty good experience." "It was?" A confused expression covered his face. "Yeah," you smiled, "it was." "Okay," he said back, still confused, "do you want my jacket or something? It's kinda cold." "Yeah, thanks," you grabbed his Letterman Jacket from his arms and wrapped it around yourself, "does it look good? It doesn't really matter, but I-" "You– it looks good. Really good," he answered nervously. "Thank you, Aaron," you said, making the quick decision to lean up and kiss him on the cheek. His face went bright red as all of the words he knew left his brain. He wanted to say something, to tell you how long he'd need wanting to kiss you and to actually date you. He didn't know how to do that, though. He didn't have the right words to say it, but he wanted to do something. Without thinking he kissed you. The kiss was incredible. Aaron cupped your jaw softly with one hand, while the other wrapped around your waist. He pulled you closer to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. As the kissed finished and you returned to reality, you and Aaron heard a mix of cheers and fake gagging from the other boys on the soccer team. You buried your face in his shoulder as he told them to cut it out. After a while, you and Aaron walked to his car, your hands connecting the two of you until you had to get in the car. You rode home the with him, smiles staying on your faces the whole ride. As you got out of the car, you moved to take off the jacket, his hand moving to stop you. "Don't. It looks cute on you," he blushed. "See you in the morning," you smiled, leaning down to kiss him. "Yeah," he hummed in agreement.

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