If I Could Tell You: Rowan X Kevin

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Grade Nine
"Write a letter to someone you're keeping a secret from that starts with if I could tell you. Nobody will read it. It's not for a grade, just a writing exercise. We'll burn them after."
'Dear Kevin,
If I could tell you I love you, I'd spend every second possible saying it out loud. I love thinking it, and I know I'd love saying it even more. But I can't tell you. So, for now, I'll have to show you the best I can. I hope one day I can tell you.
'Dear Rowan,
If I could tell you all my feelings I'd never stop talking about your smile, and your beautiful eyes. I'd write poems instead of equations if I knew how to word the way I feel. If I could tell you I love you, I would. But I can't.
Grade Ten
Rowan is typing (...):
'If I could tell you what I want to tell you...'
'Hey, what're the pages for the math homework?'
Kevin is typing (...):
'I love you'
'Page 85 and 89'
Read at 5:56 pm
Grade Eleven
Kevin is typing (...):
'Hey, are you mad at me?'
Rowan is typing (...):
'No, I'm in love with you.'
Kevin is typing (...):
'Please tell the truth. I love you.'
'I love you.'
Rowan is typing (...):
'Is this a joke?'
Kevin is typing (...):
'I didn't mean to send that.'
Read at 9:35 pm
Kevin groaned and threw his phone at the end of his bed, he blew it.
Then there was a noise at his window. He froze, back to the window as it slid open and somebody crawled in. Rowan.
He turned around slowly to face his best friend.
Rowan's face was for once, completely unguarded. "Text? Really? You're going to tell me you love me over text?"
"I didn't mean to send it..." Kevin said, twiddling his fingers "I type out messages I want to send but can't sometimes."
Rowan stepped closer "So... you mean it? Really?"
"...yes." He sighed "Yes I mean it. I'm so goddamn in love with you and you were never supposed to know."
Rowan took another step closer "That was always supposed to be my line." He said. "Kevin... I love you too."
"Yes. Yes, I do. I love you." Once he'd said it once it slipped out easily, like second nature, like breathing.
Kevin felt himself melting under Rowan's unguarded expression and felt pulled into it, taking Rowan's face in his hands and pressing his lips to his.
Rowan melted into the kiss, arms slipping around him and heart racing a million beats per second. This was the moment he'd dreamed of a thousand different ways for the past few years.
It was perfect. More perfect than either of them could have imagined. Nobody's mind could make up a moment as perfect as this one.

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