Regina George X reader

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Regina George is the Queen Bee, though some would say the "Bee" stood for a less kind word, she's always the Spring Fling Queen, and she has no emotions, at least none that she lets people see, but she couldn't help having a crush on Y/N. She was just so cute and nice. She couldn't help it, Regina George had a crush. She had had crushes before, but this was different. This time it hit her hard, and it didn't fade out.
Obviously, she told Gretchen, she knew all of her secrets. Gretchen said that Regina should just tell Y/N that she liked her. In the end, they decided that inviting her to sit with them was best because they didn't know if she liked girls or was dating someone or something.
"Y/N," Regina said to get her attention and nearly causing the poor girl to drop her things.
"Yes, Regina?" Y/N asked, looking up at Regina in genuine surprise that she'd talk to her.
"Sit with us tomorrow. It's Wednesday, so you'd obviously have to wear pink," Regina said, stunning Y/N into silence, "you do have pink clothes, don't you?"
"Umm... no," Y/N said, looking down at her shoes in... embarrassment, she decided.
"Okay, so we're going shopping after school," Regina ordered, "meet us at the front of the school."
"O-okay." Regina turned and walked down the hall with all of the practiced confidence and grace of a model. On the inside, however, she was shaking.
"She just invited Y/N to hang out with her! What if you found out how mean she really was? What if you didn't like her by the end? " Her mind raced with these thoughts until the actual event.
Regina, Gretchen, and Karen picked Y/N up after school, and after a quick touch up. She was excited to go to the mall, her safe space. It was a place where she felt comfortable, and she needed some of that.
The girls had a fun time talking and laughing together. Eventually, they found a store to buy you some "appropriate" clothing for a Plastic. Y/N let the other girls take the lead because, honestly, they all knew she wasn't used to their style. She eventually went to the changing room, and when she came out, well, quite honestly, Regina was not prepared.
"D-do you guy like it?" Y/N nervously asked the group.
"You look so fetch!" Gretchen exclaimed, but Regina didn't reprimand her, she couldn't. She wasn't able do anything except stare at Y/N.
"Regina, what do you think?" Gretchen's voice returned, snapping Regina out of her daze.
"It's-uh-it's good," Regina said, trying to cover the nervousness in her voice, "it looks nice, I mean. This is definitely what you should wear tomorrow."
They bought more shoes and more outfits, something that caused Regina to lose her cool exterior wall of total apathy more than a few times.
The next day at school was interesting to say the least. Regina stood up to creeps for Y/N, and, obviously, it was well appreciated, but something was off. Regina was acting strange. She didn't know how to deal with her feelings.
"I have to go to the bathroom, later bitches." Regina stood up with a smile, though she felt differently. She walked to the bathroom with the same practiced confidence as before.
"Should we help her?" Y/N asked, in a worried voice.
"You can help her," Gretchen said, "she's never listened to me, and Karen isn't very good at this. Please, Y/N!"
"Okay. What do I say?" Y/N asked them, hoping that they knew what Regina needed.
"I-I don't know. Like I said, she doesn't listen to me. It won't matter what I say," Gretchen replied, "Just go!"
"I'm going," Y/N replied, following Regina to the bathroom. The girl arrived to see Regina fixing her hair.
"A-are you okay?" Y/N asked, "You left pretty quickly, and I've always seen right through that 'I don't give a fuck' attitude."
"You cuss? Didn't see that in you," Regina stated, laughing slightly.
"I try not to," the other girl responded, "By the way, what did you see in me?"
At this point, Regina was afraid that Y/N knew about her crush, that she'd figured it out, and part of her hoped that she did. She wanted to kiss Y/N, hug her. She wanted to be the one to put a smile on the sweet girl's face. She wanted to be able to call her pet names, she knew she was in deep, but she couldn't help it. She did the least rational thing she could at that moment, she kissed Y/N. There, in the middle of the Girl's Bathroom in North Shore High School, Regina George kissed Y/N Y/L/N, and she was happy. Regina George was happy. For the first time that she could remember, she was happy.
Eventually they pulled apart, and Regina wondered what would happen next. Would Y/N tell people? Sure, she seemed nice, but a lot of people have used her. A lot of people have seemed nice.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Y/N's lips on hers. They kissed again. And again. Then they went on a date. Then another. They were happy. Maybe Regina wasn't perfect, but neither was Y/N. Nobody was. That's how life works, and maybe that's a good thing.

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