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I didn't know what to put for the title.

It wasn't like it had been slow, because it hadn't. They said it was quick and presumably painless, but Kevin couldn't help but know that it wasn't painless. His heart was bending...because hearts don't break. If they were to break, then the human body wouldn't work anymore, and he'd be left as an empty shell. So bending was the word, because if it were to break, then it would be a blessing. It hurt so bad; the ache in his chest settling in for good.
Kevin looked up, how long had he been sat here?
"Kevin, honey, this isn't healthy. You haven't moved for two days, please go and shower." Kevin's mom said, she ran a hand through his hair and sighed in relief as he stood up; heading up the stairs and into the bathroom.
He looked at the digital cloak....he didn't think he would be able to face tomorrow. He couldn't do it.
They had had two weeks to deal with the loss, before having to come to terms with the fact that he was gone for good. Gone as in never coming back.
"Shit. Shit, shit, shit!" Kevin slammed his palms downs onto the bathroom side, looking up into the mirror to notice his tear stained cheeks. He hadn't realised he'd been crying; although, he probably hadn't stopped since he'd gotten the news.
Marwan had tried to talk to him, and Kevin knew he was being selfish by not consoling the fact that Marwan was going through the same thing, but he couldn't bare it. He couldn't even deal with his own grief, let alone share it with someone else; he wouldn't wish it upon anybody.
If he just turned the shower on and stepped in, he'd be able to go numb. But then he'd have to remember everything he'd ever done...everything they'd ever done together, the three of them; him, Marwan and Rowan. It would never be the same. Everytime he thought about the empty space, he felt sick.
He'd never set foot in a car again. Never even think of the fact that the house next door was just as empty as it had been before the Spivey's had moved in during 2nd grade. Without Rowan, it was nothing.
So they said it had been quick, the crash killing him instantly; but it had let his parents go, and that was a fate worse than anything....losing a child. Losing his best friend, losing his partner in crime; he and Marwan had lost the other half of themselves, and they didn't know what to do.
The shower didn't help much, the water just slamming onto his back and trickling into the drain. He hated it, couldn't even bare the thought of ringing the phone and having nobody answer ever again. Never hearing that idiots laughter through the wall when he was being too loud, and he'd never get to shout out of his window at the top of his lungs to wake him up in the morning. No more next door, and no more jokes about how flashcards were the answer to everything. If they were so smart, Rowan would still be here.
Kevin wiped at his face, chuckling slightly; "You're such an idiot." He didn't know who he was saying it to, usually Rowan.
The only thing he could do now was wait.
The funeral had been small. Kevin had wanted to say a few words about the greatest person he had known, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Marwan had though, saying something that Kevin had tuned out. Not purposely, just out of respect.
"I don't know what to say." Marwan said as he stood next to him.
"Then don't say anything." Kevin said.
So Marwan didn't, they just stood next to each other outside of the church; watching families hug each other, their faces a picture of pity and sadness. Kevin didn't want anybodies pity, he just wanted Rowan back.
"It's crazy..." Marwan started. "It wasn't supposed to be like this, all three of us were supposed to be together-"
"Please don't. Please, please, please don't say it. And I'm not gonna leave you, Mar; he wouldn't- Rowan, wouldn't want that. We need to stick together." Kevin said.
Marwan's voice was shaky now. "He...he's supposed to be here-it was just one drunk driver, it wasn't supposed to end his life!"
Kevin quickly pulled Marwan close to him, his eyes watering as Marwan shook with grief, heart wrenching sobs reaching his ears. "Sssh, sssh..." he would say that it'd be okay, but it wouldn't be okay ever again....he didn't know how to fix it.
"How did you know that you loved him?" Marwan asked, his face drenched as he waited for Kevin to answer him.
One shaky breath later, and a moment of searching for the right words had been hard, but Kevin figured he deserved to give Marwan an answer:
"Because I missed him, instantly."

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