Fights with Janis

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Have some angst. Don't worry there is fluff near the end.

Fights with Janis are pretty rare. Y/N would even say they never happen. Your relationship is stable, but fights do happen. People make mistakes, some Janis don't consider as mistake, but hey no body's perfect. The worst fight you and Janis got into was when you had a performance to do. Janis didn't go because she was working on a painting, and lost track of time. It went like this.
"That's not fair to me, Janis! I left a mandatory rehearsal early to go to your art show. My teacher got so pissed at me that if someone didn't step in, I could've been cut! Cut, Janis! But you couldn't stop to finish your little painting for just a second?", you yelled at Janis.
She snapped back, "'Little painting?' I'll have you know that that 'little painting' means a whole damn lot to me! I'm sorry if I missed your showcase but I really wanted to-" You waited a couple seconds before returning "Do you even care?"
Janis replied with, "What? Y/N, no you aren't-" "Because if you did you would've just stopped for a moment instead of making ex-" She cut you off, "Will you just listen to me, Y/N?! God, all you do is interrupt and I'm kind of sick of it!"
"Oh really? Then, by all means, tell me what else your sick of? Because I can tell you that I'm sick of you bailing on dates and shit in the name of your 'art.'" Janis looked threatened and oh she was.
"Okay, fine! You wanna know what I'm sick of? I'm sick of you treating my art, something that makes me really happy, by the way, like a complete waste of my time! I give you shit about your stuff! And, yeah, I've missed dates but I've always told you that I'm sorry and made up for it!" She screamed at you.
"Really? You call taking me bowling with your friends making it up to me after you left me all alone at that Lana Del Rey concert?" "Y/N, I said-" "Yeah, you said you were sorry! Well, you know what? I'm sorry too!" As you walked out of Janis's garage, she shouted, "Well, so am I!" You and Janis did not speak to other for days. That all ended when Damien called you up. "You know that painting was an early birthday present for you, right? She was working on making a painting of the two of you..." he hung up. "Shit" you thought, "I have to make this up to Janis."  So you showed up at her house with fast food and flowers. It took her a bit to give in and listen to you, but all was forgiven once you told her that Damian told her what she was really doing and that you were super sorry. Then Janis apologized and said to perform it for her. You always end up apologizing in the end. Another type of fights are very petty. Everyone knows Janis is pretty honest. She won't sugarcoat things, even for you. So sometimes she will tell you that dress is not your color, or you don't look nice after P.E. It's not your day sometimes and you end up giving her the silent treatment. Janis hates it when you give her the silent treatment, so she starts to poke you face and back. She just really loves to hear you voice, but when she doesn't she starts to whine. "Seriously, it sometimes feels like I'm dating a child."  Janis resorted to playfully kissing you face and neck to get you to cave. Especially when she whispers 'you know you want to talk to me' in your ear with her annoyingly teasing voice. "Alright alright I'll stop giving you the silent treatment." Janis usually will reply with 'yay' or 'yes thanks babe'. There isn't really another way around since Janis doesn't really give the silent treatment, she just tells it like it is you know? All and all, couples get into fights. You guys aren't perfect, but you always work it out.

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