Cady Heron x reader

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Credit to theatrical-writer

It was a Friday night that led on into the early hours of the Saturday morning and just about everyone in the junior class of Northshore and then some was at Cady Heron's house for the most epic party of the year. Well, it's not supposed to be a party, but you, Karen, and Gretchen couldn't help yourselves in asking everybody to come over. Perhaps it was a good idea at the time, but now you lost all sight of her and could only get glimpses over her through the crowd. But what you did see of her... God, why did Cady Heron have to look so damn hot in that black dress? You really liked Cady, that enough was true. But you knew she had a thing for Aaron and you also knew that liking girls was going to get you in deep shit. So you kept quiet, only allowing yourself those coveted quick glances and sliding her those adorable compliments you never knew she actually really took to heart. Her favorite was the time she changed her hairstyle and you told her how freaking great it suited her facial structure. Ooh, or that one time you guys went to Sephora and told her that practically any lip shade she tried on looked good on her. But going clothe shopping was always the best, for those same reasons. As you were drinking some hard lemonade that some sophomore's brother managed to bring in, one of ABBA's hit songs- you couldn't decipher the name of it in your absolute drunken state- came on the stereo which prompted you to jump up with Gretchen and Karen- also very drunk- and start slurring out what words you remembered of the song. You looked like a hot mess, the sober part of your mind knew for sure. Jumping around like that, your eyes clouded over with alcohol, and your hair unkempt with all your motion. But that was what you saw, not what other people-or one specific person- saw. Cady, who had been chiding and shooed off someone on the other side of the living room for attempting to piss in one of her mother's tribal vases, stopped to catch her breath with she saw you dancing to the rhythm of ABBA's "Dancing Queen." (She learned about that after Damian made her sit down and watch "Mamma Mia" with him on one of their weekend movie nights before Plastic destruction took over her life.) But she didn't see what you saw. She saw a beautiful girl, her perfect hair flying around and getting lit up by the bright lights of the party, a huge, fantastically gorgeous smile donning her face. And, best of all, you just looked happy. Even though your euphoric state was fueled by alcohol, she'd never seen you look so genuinely cheerful. It was a good look on you. A great one, actually. Then it hit her, "Oh shit." All of the girls in the junior class were seated in the gymnasium, most with messy hair and cut up lips from fighting one another after the infamous Burn Book pages were released to the entire school. And with four names not placed in them, you, Karen, Gretchen, and Cady were all speculated to be the writers of this trash. Still, Cady was under the most fire. Here's what sucked, though. All of you had thought that this was going to just be a lecture about how fucked up you all were for smacking each other and causing an animal riot in the middle of the hallway, but no. The staff- AKA, Mr. Duvall, and Ms. Norburry- had you all write down an apology to someone you wronged, state it in front of everyone, then do a trust fall into the crowd. After one girl had requested everyone get along like they used to but subsequently was thrown out because she didn't even go to this school, it was your turn. Truthfully, you weren't sure of who to apologize to since you hurt so many people by just being friends with Regina. You stood up on the desk and sighed, "Okay, so, um, my apology is to... Cady Heron. Yeah, it's to Cady. For the past few months, I let you play this sick game that Regina put you in. I mean, all of those shopping trips she made you go on? All of the times she told you that you looked pretty and dangling things that you wanted right in front of your face? I saw it, we all saw it, and I didn't do a damn thing about it! I watched you suffer like that and I- I couldn't figure out a way to get you to see it because you just seemed so happy!" You heard Ms. Norburry tell you that you could stop and come down, but the words kept flying out of your mouth. And what you said next, you couldn't stop, even if you were conscious enough to do it. "Y-You know, I guess I just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are each time she did something so utterly bitchy because I just wanted you to stay around because I'm like in love with you and-" Your hands flew over your mouth, your eyes wide with fear. You looked over to Cady and saw her completely struck with shock. No, not shock. You were sure, almost completely positive it was disgust masked with an aghast front. Your mind started attacking you with hateful words which prompted you to jump off of the desk and out of the gymnasium doors and past all of the boys who were hiding out behind them to listen to what the hell was going on in there. No doubt they all just heard what you spilled in front of your entire grade and then some. You ignored the teachers' shouts for you to come back, the girls' gossiping whispers, and the boys' cat-calls and shouts about wanting to watch you and Cady bang it out if that worked out. No, you just let your legs carry you to the nearest bathroom when you felt your throat burn with the threat of throwing up what you had for lunch not even an hour ago. As you sat in front of that bathroom toilet, crying your eyes out while emptying the contents of your stomach, you felt so utterly small. Like anyone could step on you and that would be the end of you. And honestly? You wouldn't even mind if that was the case. You took a few days off from school after the incident. You didn't get that many texts from people which made you realize how little friends you really had. I mean, there were a couple from Gretchen and a few more from Karen but not many. Still, you didn't know whether or not to feel grateful for the fact that you didn't get any from Cady. When you returned back to school, not only did you find out that Cady was suspended and Regina got hit by an actual bus, but you also found yourself to be the center of attention. Much like when you ran out of the gym, all of the homophobic pigs told you that they'd love to watch you and another hot chick have sex if you'd let them or that they could turn you if you'd let them. Nothing would really shut them up so you decided to just flip them off and go about your day. And then there was the chitchat about how it all made sense now. After all, you were never with anybody despite your status which validated that you could get any guy you wanted. You didn't say anything, you just kept your head down the entire day. You even skipped out on eating lunch that day to avoid potentially embarrassing Gretchen and Karen by sitting with them. You kept this up until the end of the day. "Are you okay?" Someone asked as you stuffed books angrily into your locker. When you glanced over at them, you saw Janis Sarkisian and Damian Hubbard, the two outcast queer kids of Northshore. it shocked you to see them, especially Janis after what you did to her in middle school.  "Um, yeah, I'm fine." "Ooh, she's lying," Damian whispered to Janis. "Fine never means fine." "Yeah, I gathered," Janis nodded. "Look, I'm not gonna pretend like you're not a bitch for all the shit you've done, which is a lot, by the way," Damian knocked on her shoulder nonchalantly to get her to move onto her point. "But girls like us should stick together from people like the guys who are staring at us right now and whispering about us." You suddenly became acutely aware of the people snickering at the fact that the presumed lesbian and the self-outed woman-lover were talking to one another. Probably talking about getting together or something. You scanned the hall before looking back at Janis and Damian. "Okay..." You spoke quietly and hesitantly. "I'm listening." "Are you going to the Spring Fling tomorrow?" Janis asked. "I wasn't planning on it." "Well, you should consider," Damian told you. "You can hang out with us while you're there." You were taken aback, "Are you sure? I-I wouldn't want to intrude on-" "You wouldn't be intruding," Janis replied. "We offered. It's like I said; in a town like this, we need to stick together. No matter how... weird it may be." "At first!" Damian tried to save her statement. They seemed genuine enough, but you still had a lurking suspicion. "Why are you doing this? All I've ever done was be a bitch to you." Janis shrugged, "Even bitches have feelings. Besides, you at least seem to have some kind of soul." You let out a breathy laugh. You knew then that they were true in their words, even though she didn't give you enough reason to believe so, "Thanks. I'll take you up on that offer." "Yes!" Damian cheered. "By the way, if you can, wear dark blue or any dark color, otherwise I won't be able to associate with someone who clashes with my sequin vest." "I got you." You smiled. "See you tomorrow, Y/N." Janis nodded.  "See ya," You nodded as they walked away before a thought popped into your mind. "And Janis, for what it's worth, I'm sorry for what we did to you. Or that I let it happen, at least." "That's all in the past," Janis shook her head. "Besides, you shouldn't feel so bad because of things that get out of your control." You didn't realize you were having as fun a time as you did with Janis and Damian. They actually made you laugh and feel accepted amongst all of the people surrounding you who thought you guys were pyschos for laughing at Damian's impression of Cher. The night was fun, almost completely perfect... Almost. From across the dance floor, you noticed the Mathletes standing at the entrance. Among them was none other than Cady Heron who just so happened to have her eyes land on you. "Oh, shit, Damian hide me." You whimpered, immediately twisted around so you were hidden behind him. "Okay, can I have all of our nominees for Spring Fling King and Queen up here on the stage?" A short pause from Mr. Duvall. "I would just like to say that you are all winners and I could not be happier that this school year is ending. And the winner of Spring Fling King is... Shane Oman!" Applause and cheer from everyone around you. "Janis, listen, I really need to talk to you guys. And Y/N, I-" Oh, fuck no. "Um, I'm hooking up with my date right now-" "Janis, ew-" "And the winner of the Spring Fling Queen is... Cady Heron." The sound of unenthused clapping rang out along with the sound of Janis muttering under her breath. You saw that Cady got whisked away from you guys and onto the stage where she stood awkwardly with the crown in the part of her hands that weren't covered with the sleeves of a varsity Mathlete jacket that looked freaking adorable on her. "Wow, um, okay," She began quietly. "I think everyone voted for me because they think I pushed someone in front of a bus, which is terrible-" "Not your fault, don't apologize!" Regina shouted from the crowd. "No, I won't. What is my fault, though, is how I treated my friend Janis.I'm sorry I lied to you, I'm sorry I left you out. If you don't want to be my friend anymore, I understand. And I'll still treat you with dignity." "You know it's really not required for you to make a speech." Mr. Duvall pointed out. "I'm almost done, I promise," Cady said. She looked back to you and Janis but her eyes were focused solely on you. "And I really want to apologize to Y/N... You wanted to be yourself, and the world didn't care. Well, I care. I can about who you are and mostly... mostly, I care about you. Because I'm, like, in love with you, too." You were so starstruck that you felt your body stiffen up. You felt the tears well up in your eyes, but not like how they did that day in the gym. Damian touched your shoulder comfortingly, knocking you out of your shocked state. You suddenly realized that this was how Cady was in the gym that day, this reaction right here. You let out a choked sob mixed with a laugh as you watched her smile at you from the stage.  "Look, when I first got here I wanted everyone to like me so bad, I kind of lost sight of myself. We all do that, I think. We think we have to change ourselves to be good enough. But standing up here, looking at you guys, I wish you could see it. You're awesome." "You know, most just take the crown and go." "The crown, right," Cady eyed the plastic tiara in her hands. "Here in this light, it could be platinum. But, actually, it's kinda stupid." Then she took the crown and cracked it down its center causing everyone to gasp and Karen Smith to topple over. "We could all just share it!" Your eyes were lit up with pure adoration while Cady spoke up on the stage, letting the world know how beautiful everyone in that gym really was. And as she told everyone how amazing they were, you saw the girl who you fell in love with. This was the girl who loved math, this was the girl who didn't know how to function in an Amerian high school, this was the girl who entered your messed-up world with a smile and a kind-hearted attitude. This was Cady Heron. Cady did a trust fall into the crowd, and, thankfully, they caught her instantly. Making your way through the masses of people, you stood in front of her with this real smile on your face, much like the one at the party that night but more subdued. "Hey." You spoke first. "Hey," Cady replied. "You look beautiful tonight, by the way." "Heh, thanks. You do too... Did you mean what you said up there?" "Every word. Um, how do you feel about those words?" You hugged Cady by the waist and pulled her close. The two of you looked into each other's eyes, yours conveying the message of true, real love. And in seeing that, Cady got her answer. The two of you leaned into one another, letting your lips collide. The world around you melted into a series of bright lights and loud noises of mirth and love. It suddenly became you and Cady among a night sky full of burning stars, illuminating the darkness of it all.  When you broke apart, you told her, "You're beautiful, Cady Heron." "And you're perfect, Y/N L/N." And just like that, that's what your night became.

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