Welcome to Town

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Metallica blasting through my headphones, I strolled through Stars Hollow. Gazing around my beloved town, I notice Luke and a scruffy teenage boy standing at a bus stop. The boy was tall, not as tall as Dean, but nevertheless he was tall with a muscular build. Throwing his duffel bag over his shoulder, he and Luke started heading towards the Diner. I couldn't help but feel intrigued by this beautiful creature. 

Walking into Lukes, I hear the familiar bell ring and start heading towards the counter, pulling a book from my pocket. Looking up from my book, I notice the same boy from before walk out the door with nothing but a book and jacket. 

Rory, my mum and I were shopping at Doose's later that night. "Right girls, we need to retrieve as  much junk food as possible. Here's the game plan..." my mum says as we enter the market. I listen closely until I look out the window and see the same boy from earlier today walk across the road back to Lukes.

"Charlie, Charlie, are you listening to me?" my mum questions me as I gaze outside the window.

"Hmm?" I ask, totally unaware of my surroundings.

"Come on Charlie this life or death." my mum states dramatically.

"Literally," Rory adds, "This is the difference between a heart attack and not having a heart attack."

"Rory, why aren't you backing me up on this."

"I'm gonna go to Lukes, I'll catch up with you later." I say as I exit Doose's and head towards Lukes.

Despite the sign saying the diner was closed, I saw Luke in the diner wiping tables, so I knock on the door for him to allow myself in. "Hey Luke." I say with a cheeky grin. 

"Hey Charlie," he says tiredly, "we're out of coffee, thankfully saving your brain cells."

"Ok Mr Reality, break into someone else's home, but you'll just have to entertain me until my mum and Rory come back from Doose's."

"You have clearly had to much coffee in your life time."

"Yes well we Gilmore's are bred for it."

"You are definitely your mother's daughter."

"Thank you." a smile growing across my mouth as soon as he said that. "Hey Luke?"


"Who's that boy that you were with this afternoon?"

"Ah jeez, he's uh, no one."

"Wow, you are such a bad liar."

"Look Charlie I don't want you to fall for this guy."

"And what is this guys name."

"It's Jess, and he isn't the friendliest or patient person."

"Jess." I repeat to myself, smiling.


"Huh? Oh right Luke you're still here."

"Well considering the fact that it is my diner, yeah I'm still here, and Charlie don't fall for Jess, the kid's trouble."

"But Luke you think every kid's trouble, you hate kids, you hate jam hands which is ironic since you work in a diner,"

"I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'm a big girl Luke, I think I'll be able to handle it."

With those final few words fleeing my mouth, Jess came down with a mug in his hand. He heads towards the coffee machine as if there's no one else in the room. He quickly glances at me and then back at the machine. A passing waft of awkward silence fulfils the room.  

"Hi I'm Charlie." I say awkwardly trying to brake the ice. 

"Hi." his deep voice alluring me into his dark chocolate eyes that pierce through my soul. 

"What are you doing, I have coffee upstairs." Luke states towards Jess.

"But it's decaf." Jess says, his signature smirk came upon his face once again. 

"LUKE HOW COULD YOU?!" I say melodramatically, almost fainting. 

Out of the corner of my eye I notice Jess smirking towards me, and a shy smile creeps upon my face. He turns around and starts filling his mug with the delicious brown substance.

"I'm out of here." Jess says, once his mug is full of delicious, steaming coffee.  

"I better go as well." I say standing up and head towards the door, "Maybe I'll see you around Jess?"

Before heading up the several flights of stairs, he turns around and says, "Well it sure for hell isn't New York. You'll probably see me more and more every day." 

"Perfect." I smile and he winks at me. 

Heading out of the diner I find my mum and Rory heading out of Doose's and I meet up with them.

"What the hell took you so long?" my mother asks worriedly.

"Sorry I lost track of the time." I say with a school girl grin.

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