Running Into Old Friends

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The following weeks that led towards the night of the debutante ball quickly hastened towards the end when we realised we weren't at all organised.

 In the final two weeks Dean and Rory had to learn how to ballroom dance and become Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey from Dirty Dancing, Rory had to then convince Dean to wear a tux which quickly turned into tails and gloves. 

Dean hated the idea of wearing gloves and tails which made it even more fun to make fun of his waiter outfit. 

I finally scraped enough money to purchase the four books and ten dollars that made Jess come with me. Some people, actually that's an understatement, most people would classify that as a bribe but I would like to think of it as an exchange between two friends, where one friend is just not as enthusiastic spending four flipping hours in hell. 

Mum decided that Rory decided didn't need her dress bought from a fancy shop that looks like a shop for wedding dresses, so, she decided to make it. This definitely didn't sit well with grandma, which is always fun to watch. Mum also made my dress, which is probably better than Rory's but don't tell her or grandma. 

Above all the drama and running around, our spontaneous father decided to come a week early and spend some 'quality time' with Rory and I. Unlike Rory, I don't get excited every time I hear the motorcycle pull up in our front yard or in this case Volvo. He hasn't made much of an effort to be our father so I make little effort in being his daughter. 

I have been successfully keeping my sanity throughout insanity over the last three weeks. But I probably jinxed it just then and it's probably going to crumble into thousands of tiny pieces tonight. 

Blasting The Strokes through my CD player, I began to get ready for hell, I mean the debutante ball. Dad and Dean were waiting  downstairs and ready to go. A small knock on the door echoed throughout the house and up to my room, through all the layers of music. 

Suddenly, I froze. Every muscle in my body went from calm and neutral to tense and stiff. My face started to burn up and I started sweating like crazy. Nerves overtook my body and decided it would be funny if they turned my legs into jelly. 

"Mum!" I whisper shouted to the room adjacent to mine. 

"What? Do you need help with your make up?" She asked, stepping towards her door frame, looking into my room.

"No, wait help with my make up? Is there something wrong with it?" 

"No babe, it looks great, I just haven't put my contacts in yet, everything's kind of blurry. But what is it?"

"Jess just knocked on the door, and no one has opened the door yet."

"Oh, well that problem is easily fixed." 

As I was waiting for mum to explain to me how to fix the problem, dad walked upstairs, probably at the worst time known to mankind. 

"Hey were we expected anyone else?" Dad asks as he reaches the top of the stairs. 

"Yeah, Charlie's boyfriend is coming with us." Mum says smirking to me as I shoot a glare back at her. 

"You have a boyfriend?" Dad asks, gaping towards me.

"Well he's not my boyfriend per-say," I tell him, "He's just a friend and this just happens to be a date, our first date actually."

"Wow, um ok so both you and Rory have a boyfriend."

"Dad it's no big deal."

"Yeah you're right. You look lovely by the way."

"Thank you." 

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