The Infamous Dinner - Part One

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Rory worked on her piece for 'The Franklin' as I paced back and forth our room, my mind and heart racing. "Will you just calm down, its not like his meeting grandma and grandpa," Rory said as she tried to calm me down, "Just play some Nirvana, you know how Kurt Cobain soothes you." 

"Thank god he's not meeting grandma and grandpa, that would be awful. It is true though, Kurt Cobain does calm me down as Robert Plant does for others, but what if he thinks I'm a total spaz. I met him twice and have said like three words to him, and he just stares at me, probably thinking that there's something wrong with me."

"It's going to be fine..."

"That's easy for you to say, you have Dean, 'The Perfect Boyfriend.'" I interjected.

"Will you let me finish." Rory sighed.


"It sounds like he likes you as much as you like him, but you're both terrible at expressing your emotions."

"So what do you suggest, making out in Lukes diner like you and Dean made out in Doose's market?"

"It was a small kiss, not even a kiss more like a peck and why am I even explaining this to you it was last year."

"Yeah well by the time it got to Miss Patty's it was like a scene form 'Nine and a Half Weeks'"

"Unbelievable, like mother like daughter." Rory muttered to herself. 

Ding Dong

The symphony of the doorbell travelled through the entire house and rang in my ears, immobilising my body.  

"Rory I don't think I can breathe!" I whisper scream to her, panic evident in my eyes, "I think my throats closing up!"

"Charlie you're fine, you look amazing and if you  act just like your arrogant and obnoxious self, you will create a memorable evening for the two of you." Rory reassuringly explained to me.

"Thanks Rory." I say quickly before pulling her into a tight hug. 

"Rory, Charlie their here." Mum says just outside of our doorway with Luke and Jess standing awkwardly next to her. After mum and Luke join Sookie and Jackson in the kitchen who have been busily working on the feast since the crack of dawn, Jess strolls into our room.  

"Hi, I'm Rory."


"Yeah..." Rory trailed off, as Jess wondered over to out book collection; well it's mainly Rory's but I have my fair share. 

"Wow aren't we hooked on phonics?" He asks sarcastically.

"Yeah we read a lot, but Rory reads way more than me." I say attempting to start a conversation with him. 

"Yeah it's true," Rory states, smiling at me, "You read much?"

"Not much." he replies with a shrug, then heads towards us.

"Ok, well if you want either me or Charlie will be willing to lend it to you."

"No thanks."

As he heads towards Rory and I, mum comes in our room with two bowls in her hands, "Ok we really need to get Jackson away from the lemons so we're moving the feast to the living room,"

"Ok." I reply.

"Yeah we'll be right there." Rory adds. 

"Do these open?" He asked us, referring to the windows. 

"Yeah, you just have unlatch them and then push." I tell him.

"Great. So...shall we?"

"Shall we what?" Rory asks clearly confused.

I rolled my eyes at how naive my sister's nature could be, "Rory he wants us to bail." I say.

"" Rory states as though it's obvious.

"Oh really, and why not?"

"Because it's Tuesday night in Stars Hollow; there's nowhere to bail to. The twenty four hour mini mart closed twenty minutes ago." I chimed in. 

"Well then we'll wonder around or sit on a bench and stare awkwardly at our shoes."

Although the offer sounded tempting, I decided I couldn't abandon mum and Sookie, especially with all the cooking she made for us. 

"We barely know you." I say.

"Well don't I like trustworthy?" He asks with his signature smirk appearing in his face.

"Look Sookie just made a tonne of really delicious food, and me and Rory are starving. It might not seem like it now but it will be really fun, trust me." 

"I barely know you."

"Well don't I look trustworthy?" Once those words fled my mouth smirks appeared on both of our face while we stare into each others eyes. 


"Ok good lets eat." 

As we enter the kitchen Rory grabs a soda and heads towards the living room. "Good luck." She whispers in my ear before exiting. 

"You want a soda?" I ask.


As I reach into the fridge to grab a soda he stops me and says, "No it's ok I got it."

"Oh um ok." I say and leave the kitchen.                   

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