North Carolina

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Tristan and I lay under the loose sheet covering our mostly bare bodies from the previous events that ensued between the pair of us. Snuggling against his firm, hairless chest, I felt a sense of security overcome my body. For once in my life I felt safe. 

"If I die now, I'll die a happy woman." I state mindlessly, barely above a whisper.

"Well damn Gilmore I know I'm good, but I had no idea I was that good." Tristan smirked smugly, emphasising the word "that". 

"All right don't get cocky." I retort as I slowly pull my body off his chest, resulting in a raised eyebrow in response to my phrase from Tristan. "What's so funny? Oh I get it, I said cocky, grow up Dugrey." I shake my head as Tristan silently chuckles. 

"Well the night's still young and there's a good chance that my parents won't be home for hours." 

"Why don't we do something else? Maybe we could go out and get something to eat or sneak a beer-"

"Fine, if that's what you want. Forget about what I want, forget about how this impacts me and just forget about what I want." Tristan angrily huffs, rising up off of the bed, throwing the sheet, plummeting to the ground. 

"Okay, woah I just thought we could do something else." I say, staring at the recently torn apart room from the slight fit thrown by my boyfriend. 

"Yeah, well you didn't ask, and maybe, I just want to be with you." 

"Fine, you want to be with me. I just don't understand what I did wrong."

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to get angry with you."


"It's just," Tristan pauses for a moment, choking back hidden tears, "well, my parents, they told me we're moving in a month."

"What?" I ask, my voice raising slightly from the shock. Numerous thoughts raced to my mind instantly. The idea of Tristan leaving my side almost shattered my soul, and would've burst into tears, falling to the ground. My face was perplexed, contorted with emotions such as hurt, anger and sorrow.

"I would've told you sooner, but I only found it last week." Tristan says as he gently strokes my arm, pulling me into his embrace. 

"We only have a month together?" I ask, burying my face into his chest as tears slowly stream down my cheeks. 

"I'm afraid so. Trust me I fought to stay here instead of North Carolina."

"North Carolina? What's there to do in North Carolina?"

"I don't know babe, we're moving to Wilmington, it's like Stars Hollow but probably not as heart-felt and well, traditional."

"Nice way to put it. You better not fall in love with some skinny, blonde cheerleader Dugrey."

"As if they'll be able to compete with all this. Why couldn't we just have a normal relationship, leave all this behind and just be seventeen."

"That's all I want to do, we could've gone to prom, danced, and stare into each others eyes like one of those cheesy couples that everyone hates."

"Is it so hard to be just be teenagers who want to be with each other. I want to be with you, don't we still have that right? Honestly, I'll stay if that's what you choose."

"I want to be with you too, but let's be real my mum would not be okay with you staying in my room."

"Tell me to stay and I'll stay. I want to be able to wake up every morning and just stare into those light blue eyes of yours all day."

"Tristan, I'"

"So what's it going to be? I want to be with you."

"I want to be with you; your love's to good to loose. Can we just sit together and hold each other closer."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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