The Invite

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"Mum give me back my Pixies CD." I whined as we enter Lukes, heading towards our usual table. 

"I have no idea what your talking about?" she retorted, playing dumb, which I've gotten used to all to well. 

"Mum CD now!" I demanded with my hand sticking out, waiting to be reunited with my CD.

"Fine." she sighed rolling her eyes and pulling out my precious Pixies CD.


"I'll make it up to you."

"I don't know how, you'll probably just take it away from me."

"How about coffee?"

"You have regained my love."

"You are so my kid."

Smirking at her last remark, Luke comes towards us looking weary and agitated.

"Jeez what happened to you?" my mum asks Luke.

"What do you mean?" he asks.

"You don't look so good."

"Oh thanks."

"That's not what I mean, you always look good."


"I mean you always look... healthy."

"Mhmm..." I say with a smirk on my face.

Glaring towards me, my mum retorts back with "Ok I said you look good, so what you look good we're not in fifth grade."

Luke and I exchange glances while my mum looks away embarrassed and blushing slightly. 

"Stop looking at me like that, both of you," she says before pointing towards Luke, "Why don't you make yourself useful and get us some coffee."

He walks off towards the coffee machine filling up two mugs with piping hot coffee. 

"Love is in the air." I sing mockingly towards my mother. 

"Right give me back the CD." she says, reaching over the CD.

"No way, you owe me, you are forever in my debt."

"As are you."

"In what way?"

"Well I gave you the miracle of life."


"Dead brain cells, dead brain cells." Luke says, placing our coffee in front of us.

"Luke is that really how you speak towards your future wife and step-daughter?" I state. 

"Alright that's enough." mum states and covers my mouth, while Luke stands there blushing slightly before walking away to serve other customers.

"Did you see him blush?" I ask my mum before she retorts back with, "Be quiet and drink your coffee."

The door and opens and the obnoxious little bell rang. Jess walked into the diner and was about to head upstairs. 

"Jess I want you to meet someone." Luke beckons Jess and brings him towards us. 

"You've already met Charlie, but this her mum, Lorelai." Luke tells him.

"Huh." Jess states, clearly uninterested. I suddenly go from loud and obnoxious to quiet and shy, which my mum clearly notices. 

Glancing towards me, my mum asks Jess, "You've two met before."

"Briefly," I say quietly, looking at my coffee. 

"Ok, well I'm Lorelai and it's probably best that you met me first before Luke fills you in with whatever twisted stories he has of me and my unhealthy eating habits."

During my mum's little rant, Jess was staring at me the entire time, not noticing that mum finished her mini rant. 

"So uh class dismissed." my mum joked before Jess ran upstairs to Lukes hermit habitat. Luke, mum and I were left and I could feel my cheeks cooling down. 

"So uh that's Jess." Luke says awkwardly. 

"Talkative." my mum states towards Luke. 

"Well he's new to town and he doesn't want to be here, could you blame the guy." 

"How about you and him come over to my house and have dinner."

"I don't know Lorelai?"

"Just me, Rory, Charlie, Sookie, Jackson, you and Jess. Totally chill."

Once I heard those words, my heart nearly stopped. My palms sweaty, I decide I should leave before I pass out. Maybe this was some cruel dream or prank. 

"I think I'm gonna go home." I say quietly.

"Ok babe, you good." my mum asked me, noticing my agitation. 

"Yeah I'm swell." I say dryly, before exiting the diner and start my journey back to the crap shack. 

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