Runaway Little Boy - Part One

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Returning back from the video store with mum, we had a huge dilemma. We had to decide between two very different and difficult movies to watch tonight. One of them was 'The Shining' and the other was 'Bringing up Baby'. 

The crisp Autumn softly brushed along both of our faces, and continued to let our dark brown hair fly behind our backs as we walked up to the front door.

"Hello?!" Mum yelled out, seeing if Rory was home.

"Kitchen." We heard Rory reply.

"I think she's in the kitchen." I say with a smirk.

"Really what gave you that idea." Mum replies back to me with the same smirk.

"Just a hint, and the fact that she's always in the kitchen."

"Come on kid, maybe she has pizza or food from Luke's."

"Well she knows how to gain my love." I say, both of us giggling as mum puts an arm around my shoulder, as we head towards the kitchen.

"Ok so we've got two choices tonight." Mum says, semi-yelling as we make our way into the kitchen. 

"Geez mom, could you go any louder." I say as we are faced with Rory and Sookie standing in front of the table, side by side.

"Ok what did you break?" Mum asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

"Nothing." Rory says quickly, making both mom and I really suspicious.

"Well actually the boiler." Sookie adds on quickly. 

"50 bucks guessing who that was." I say with a smirk.

"Sookie, we don't care if the boiler's broken, we never use it." Mom says as she tries to pull  Rory and Sookie away from the table.

"Yeah if you said you broke the coffee machine, I don't think mum would let you back in the kitchen or house ever again."

"Oh honey, you know me so well." Mum says, as she was standing in front of a giant box with a bright purple ribbon holding it all together. 

"Wow it's a frilly box; is there a preppy cheerleader inside that's gonna jump out."I say with a grin. 

"No, it's a wedding present." Rory says with caution, eyeing our mum. 

"For you and Dean? Huh, I knew you guys were close and serious but even I didn't expect it."

"No for mum and Max you donkey." Rory rolls her eyes to me.

"Geez sorry."

A rare silence passed through four of the chattiest residents of Stars Hollow. None of us wanted to address the elephant in the room, which was ironic since the present only took up at  least half the table. 

"So do you want to find out what you got?" Rory asks with curiosity.

"Rory I can't do it." Mum says trying, moving slightly trying to neglect the present.

"Why not, it's addressed to you."

"And Max."

"Yes but your name is in it."

"Rory I can't do it, it was a wedding present and I am not married, so this is getting returned. Where's the card?" Mum asks, checking around the entire gift, hoping there's a card.

"Maybe it's inside." Sookie says, bubbling with excitement, "And you don't have to be worried about your principles being broken or anything like that."

"Since the card must be inside the present." Rory continues.

"Fine, someone pass me a knife."

"Woah mum don't go all Jack Torrance on us. I know you rented The Shining but come on." I say giggling.

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