Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer

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"So finally after weeks of Ingrid Bergman begging me if I wanted to travel the world with her, I finally gave into her idea." Mom said, finishing her retelling her dream.

"Wow." I said, as we both walk to Luke's.

"So what do you think it means?"

"That you have too much of an active imagination."

"You're no help, Rory had a better analysis of my other dream and I called her at three in the morning,"

"The one about Luke?"

"Yes, and I'll like to drop the subject."

"Aw, but we barely visited it."

"C'est la vie kid." 

"And I never got a souvenir."

"So, do you think you can get me a coffee?" Mum asks, both of us standing in front of the diner. 

"Mum Luke's gonna know it's for you."  

"Hey you're my daughter you could be having two coffees under a minute."

"I thought you two already settled things out."

"We did, sort of."

"What do you mean sort of?"

"I mean it's not the same as it was before."

"You mean when he would constantly flirt with you."

"He did not flirt."

"Oh he so did. Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not."


"Things have just been funky, and then dream didn't help."

"I though we weren't visiting the dream again?"

"Okay you are officially no help." Mum says, glancing behind me, something catching her attention."

"What's so fascinating?"I ask looking behind me only to find Jess and some short haired blonde teenager making out against a tree, "Oh I see."

"Honey are you okay?" Mum asks, rubbing my arm gently.

"Uh yes, no, I don't know." I stammer, blinking back tears.

"Let's go into Luke's." She says, leading me into the diner.

Mum found a table for the both of us to sit at. Still blinking back tears, I sat solemn with my heart aching and yearning for the one I truly love.

"Coffee I'm assuming." Luke says as he comes up to our table.

"Uh yes obviously and two cheeseburgers." Mum says quickly, trying to shoo Luke away.

"Charlie what's wrong?" Luke asks, concerned.

"Uh nothing Luke, just allergies."

"You don't have any allergies."

"Then there must be something in my eye like a twig or branch or a contact."

"You don't wear contacts either."

"Well that's probably the source of the tears."

"Oh I see," Luke understood once he looked out the window, "don't worry Charlie he's not gonna go unpunished."

"Oh I didn't notice."

"Do you wanna go upstairs and freshen up in the bathroom."

"Thanks Luke." I say teary eyed as I go behind the curtain that leads to the small apartment above the diner. 

Once I reached the apartment and shut the door behind me, I couldn't help bu break down into tears. All I could think was that the first guy that took a genuine interest in me was completely out of my life. I know that in a way it's partially my fault, considering I'm with Tristan and all, but Jess was my first love which hurt me the most. Tears streaming down my face, I head to the bathroom and wash my face, hiding all evidence of pain on my face. 

Later that afternoon Mum and I were about to leave the house to pick up Rory from the airport. 

"Look I understand if you don't wanna come after all that happened today." Mum says as she grabs her purse. 

"Hey I'm fine, a breakdown can work wonders for a woman." I reply. 


Leaving the Crap Shack, the two of us hop in the Jeep to the airport in silence, with the occasional humming to a song on the radio.

Arriving at the airport, we both race to the arrival section of the terminal, anticipating the arrival of Rory. 

"Can you see her?" Mum asks, as a flood of people make their way out of the gate. 

"No, all I can see are a bunch of people." I reply.

"Thanks for the vague description."

"Your welcome, wait I think I see her!"


"There!" I point to Rory, holding at least three travel bags. 

"HEY GILMORE!" Mum shouts across the terminal. 

Rory looks ecstatic to see us both and bolts over to us. The three of us collide in what was supposed to be a group hug. Bags flew everywhere, people a eyeing us judgmentally while us three Gilmore Girls were in the floor laughing.  

"We got you presents." Mum say, handing Rory a bag. 

"What do you mean you got me presents? I'm the one who went away, I should be getting you presents." Rory laughs, accepting the bag. 

"Yeah well someone said we should come early, but I didn't think she meant three hours early." I say, nudging mum playfully.

"Well I didn't want to miss Rory."

"I can't argue with that logic."

"You got me Connecticut merchandise?" Rory asks. 

"Honestly I didn't even know Hartford had merchandise." I reply. 

"So what did you guys do while waiting for me besides raid the gift shop?"

"We fed gummy bears to the security dogs." Mum smirk.

"And we got in trouble." I roll my eyes.

"How much trouble?" Rory asks with wide eyes. 

"Learn Russian." Mum quips. 

"Huh, honestly I'm not surprised." Rory laughs. 

"Okay can we go home now, I've had enough of the airport floor." I complain, getting up from the floor, grabbing two of Rory's bags. 

"Diddo, come on kid." She says as we all leave the airport.  

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