Grandma Wants What?!

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Opening the front door, I walk through my home into the kitchen where I find my mum working on something for her business school. 

"Hey." I say directly to her.

"Hey," She replies back, "So you were late getting back."

"Oh um yeah," I say nervously, my palms starting to become sweaty, "Um I was talking to some...friends."

"Friends? Were they guy friends or girl friends?"

"Does it matter?"

"Well the fact that you're acting like Seth Cohen."

"How am I acting like Seth? Am I reading a comic book or playing video games?"

"No but your sarcasm was on point just like him, as well as your awkwardness right now."

"You're crazy!"


A moment of silence passed between us but was suddenly broken by a panicking Rory, flustering through the house and into the kitchen. 

"Hey there Rory." I say smirking slightly.

"Hey Miss graceful." Mum says smirking as well.

"Oh now don't mock."

"Touché." Mum and I say in unison. 

"What's with the pretty face?" I say continuing my smirk. 

"I'm being presented."

"Where?" I ask, clearly confused by her last statement; searching my mind for all the different possibilities how and where Rory can be presented and finding some extremely odd circumstances. 

"I'm being presented to society." She told us as if it was obvious.

"Why!" I asked, shocked by with I just heard.

"Did grandma do this?" Mum asks, as if she could read my mind.

"Well yeah. She was sitting on the patio..."

"Don't tell me you went on the patio." Mum asks, cutting off Rory.

"Don't spoil it mum, I'm on the edge of my seat with suspense." I added.

"You both know fully well that I went out to the patio. Anyway I went out onto the patio and was greeted by all of her DAR friends."

"Don't tell me you talked to her DAR friends." Mom asks Rory.

"I talked to her DAR friends." She says.

"And then they all took you and hypnotised you to go to this preppy society ball." I say having fun with this situation.

"I think the word you're looking for is manipulated." Mum corrects.

"Right, grandma and her army of tea drinking zombies are the masters of manipulation."

"Can I finish my story."

"Proceed your heinous."

"Charlie you're not funny and it goes." She says starting to get really annoyed with me.

"I'm a little funny." I say defending myself.

"Charlie let your sister finish how she got herself into this mess of high society."

"Anyway," Rory continues, followed with a dramatic eye roll, "I went out onto the patio and grandma and her friends said that I'd be the prettiest girl there." 

"This is unbelievable, I'm going to call her and tell her not to make you do this."

"Mum no, you should've seen her face, she was so proud and she said that Charlie can do it as well."

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