The Date?

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This morning was like every other morning; I wake up to the sound of the obnoxious beeping of my alarm clock which is followed with me contemplating whether to stay home in my warm bed or embrace the freezing air of a wintery day in Stars Hollow and then face the social minefield which is also known as school. 

After being harassed by mum to get up by rambling in my ear about her vanity, I have a shower, get dressed and gather my stuff for the day. 

My legs slowly go down the stairs I crawl to the kitchen, in desperate need of coffee. 

"Hey." I say sleepily.

"Hey, nice face you got on." Mum replies sarcastically. 

"Well I just use a bit of moisturiser." 

"Well it shows, coffee?"

 "Do you have to ask, I'm the coffee queen's daughter."

Smiling, mum grabs a cup and heads towards the coffee machine and adds an insane number of tablespoons of coffee. 

"Do we have anything to eat?" I ask.

"Well we have pop-tarts or pop-tarts."

"I love how we have a wide variety of food."

"I know, it was this or go to Lukes but I thought I'll treat you girls."

"We'll at least you had good intentions."

Rory came out of her room, fully dressed in her Chilton uniform as I take a bite out of the stale pop-tart, I grimace slightly as mum and I share a look.

"Lukes?" She suggests.

"Right behind you." I retort, following her hot on her heels out of the door and on the way to Lukes.

"What just happened?" Rory asked confused as she slowly walked out of the house her hair still a mess. 

"Are you going to school with your hair like that?" I ask, pointing to the jungle on her head. 

"I was in the middle of taming it, when I heard voices coming from the kitchen, anyway that isn't important, where are we going?"

"We're going to Lukes." Mum says, warming up the Jeep.

"But I smelt pop-tarts."

"Yes well we only had two pop-tarts and they tasted like card board."

"That usually doesn't stop you." Rory says, pointing to me. 

"And I usually don't wake up to someone yapping in my ear." I say glaring at mum. 

"Look we can play the blame game in the car on the way to Lukes where the happy coffee is." Mum says, taking our hands and gently pulling us into the car. 

Like always, the small obnoxious bell rung when the three of us entered the diner. Heading towards a table I shout out, "Lucas ma boy, three coffees." 

"Don't call me that." Luke says with his usual scowl, three coffee cups in his hands. 

"Aw, why not?" I pout, fully knowing that the'Gilmore Pout' was his weakness. 

"Because I don't want to be taken advantage of all the time by you three." 

"But that's what makes life fun." Mum chimes in.

"Yeah and it's the Gilmore way." I say, backing mum up.

"Guys just leave Luke alone."

"Thank you Rory, I won't criticise you for you're unhealthy habits today." 

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