Tristan and Charlie and Movies ... Oh My!

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Tristan and I walked hand in hand throughout the town square, the teenage couple occasionally exchanging small kisses sporadically. Glances by some of the town members were fairly frequent, a mixture of either smiles or frowns at the young love openly displayed. 

"So pretty girl, I was thinking we could head back to my place and we could watch a movie." Tristan said as he gently held up my hand and pressed it against his lips. 

"Are we actually going to watch the movie or are we just going to make out?" I asked, giggling at her own comment. 

"Will you accept a combination of both?" Tristan smirked, "besides when have we ever watched a full movie together?"

"Yeah, that's fair."

"I'm sorry, so is that a yes?"

"Yeah alright."


"Yeah I'm kind of bored, and there's nothing on TV anyway."

"So I'm just your little boy toy then?"

"Oh hush boy toy, do you want to make out or not?"

"You are so lucky that I'm a guy Gilmore and can't say no to that."

"Let's go."

We made our way over to Tristan's car, speeding through Stars Hollow to get to his house in Hartford. Music was blasting from his stereo, neither one of us really paying attention to the road and other cars around us, dancing in our seats. Tristan made a sharp turn into a quiet street where a grand estate was surrounded by many trees and other florals. 

"And gracefully they enter." I laugh as both of us trip over each other, falling onto the floor, on top of each other.

"Mum? Dad? Are you home?" Tristan yelled, answered with silence. 

"Oh please as if they've ever been home Dugrey." I responds. 

"Ah yes music to my ears. How about a drink?"

"Here here!" 

"Vodka, Gin or Scotch?"

"Here here!"

"Alrighty then."

"And put a cherry in it. So, which movie are we going to watch?" I ask, picking up a few tapes on the table between the couch and the TV. 

"Oh I don't mind." Tristan replies, handing me me drink.

Taking a sip of the concoction, my face contorted at the strong taste of the alcohol.

"Smooth." I said, placing the drink on the table. 

"Too strong?" He asked before taking a sip of his own drink, "oh never mind, wow that's really strong."

"Oh no I think it's just strong enough to remove concrete."

"I'm sorry, maybe if we add more vodka, it might drain out the scotch." 

As Tristan stood up, he kissed me on the cheek as he walked over to the cart in the corner of the large room, containing a multitude of drinks. 

"Ok so I think we should watch Donnie Darko, it's so underrated." I say seated from the couch. 

"Oh please, you just want to drool over Jake Gyllenhaal." Tristan retorts, looking over his shoulder from the drink cart.

"Yeah and that will get me in the mood Durgrey, isn't that what you want?"

"Yeah but not with some other guy Gilmore."

"Geez, what's your damage Dugrey."

"Okay, you know what we should watch?"

"I swear if it's the Lord of the Rings again I will seriously dump your arse."

"Alright never mind then."

"I can read you like a book."

"And just when I thought that you were illiterate."

"Yeah well .... shut up Dugrey and put on Jakey."

"Wow now you're calling him Jakey, maybe I should be very jealous and threatened."

"Stop being a Dean and put on the movie."

"Ooo zing I've been snapped."

Half way through the movie Tristan started kissing my neck, obviously becoming increasingly bored with my constant fangirling over Jake Gyllenhaal. At first I was startled and slightly irritated by Tristan's lust since I just wanted to watch the movie, but, I eventually succumbed to it.  

"Mmm Tristan." I moaned, casting my eyes slightly off the TV. 

"What baby, let's turn off the TV and go up to my room."

"I don't know Tris -"

"What? It's not like it's your first time."

"Yeah I know, but -"

"We can finish the movie after we finish."

"Fine, let's spend these next few hours getting freaky." I answer, slightly reluctantly. 

"That works for me." Tristan replies, both of us running up the stairs to his bedroom, two at a time.

Both of us were making out in the hallway, barely making it to his room. Stumbling into the bedroom, we fell onto his bed, Tristan slowly taking off his shirt. 

"Before we go any further, I want to make sure that you are okay with this?"

"Babe it's not like it's our first time, besides, I'm hot and pissed and on the pill."

"Oh dear God yes."

"I decided I must ride you 'till I break you, now shut your mouth and loose them tighty whiteys."

"I think you tore my mattress."

Full steam ahead...

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