Runaway Little Boy - Part 2

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Hand in hand, Jess and I walked through town soaking wet. I felt secure with him, he was my rock. 

"Hi." He says turning to me. 

"Hi." I return, with a grin on my face.

"Do you want some coffee?" He asks.

"Do you have to ask?"

"Right, my mistake." He says, as he walks up the steps to Luke's Diner. Pushing the door opening, the same obnoxious bell rings, causing Luke to look up. Repulsed by the state of us, he comes towards us.

"Hey Uncle Luke." Jess says, trying to get passed him.

"Hey what do you know, your face really can freeze like that." I smirk.

"Get out both of you." He says, almost pushing both of us out.

"Luke what gives." Both of say, in almost unison.

"I just cleaned this place, I don't want the two of you in there dripping everywhere."

"Luke it's water it'll clean the place." Jess says.

"And when did you turn into a Jewish grandmother." I say, adding to Jess's statement.

"Well go somewhere else and be nauseating." He says.

"We aren't up to the nauseating stage, that's Rory and Dean." I say, as a matter of factly. 

"I don't care where you go or what stage  of your relationship you're up to, just don't go in my diner all wet."

"Dirty." I say on the verge of laughter.

"Like her mother everyday." He says, going back in the diner. 

"So where do you wanna go?" Jess asked.

"We can go to my house." I suggested.

"But doesn't your mum hate me."

"True, but she might warm up to you if you make an effort."

"Fine, but I'm not making any promises." He says as we walk back to my house.

Walking up to the house, I fiddle around in my pockets, trying to find my keys. 

"Crap." I mutter, in hopes that Jess doesn't hear.

"What?" He asks, maybe I was louder than I thought.

"I think my keys fell out of my pockets or something."

"Well your mum's home."

"And you promise to behave."

"Yes I promise." He says, before I knock on the door and being greeted by my mother.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, I like your new look, very Blue Crush." She says, smirking at our appearance.

"Can we come in, I'm freezing."

"We're freezing." Jess adds.

"Ok, let me just get some towels."

"Alright just be back before Jess and I get hyperthermia." I yell as she leaves the room.

Moments of silence are enjoyed between the two of us, which was rare in the Gilmore household.

"Ok it took a lot of effort searching for two clean towels, but somehow I've managed to get them." Mum says, bounces back into the world.

"You were so close from me dying." I say, taking the towels and handing one to Jess.

"Well you might be dying later." Mum says.

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