Coffee Time

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Walking through Luke's Diner, the obnoxious little bell rang once through my head once again. I walked up to the counter and saw Luke behind it, cleaning the greasy tops whilst Jess was at a nearby table serving Miss Patty coffee. 

"Hey Charlie." Luke said, as I sat on a stool in front of him.

"Coffee?" I ask, placing my head in my hands tiredly. 



"You're too young, you should know what coffee does to you. Have you seen your mum recently?"

"Again, I think you're in the wrong business. Why do you want to know my mum is, you want to get in with her?"

"No geez, not like that. It's just"


"Ok whatever, Jess coffee here."

I suddenly become nervous as Jess slowly made his way towards the counter. Sweat was slowly engulfing my hands as I subtly wiped them along my jeans. 

"Greetings and salutations." Jess greets from behind the counter, 

"Jess when did you turn into Christian Slater?" I retort with raised eyebrows.

"What I thought you dug it? We could blow this whole town away."

"Yeah well my teenage bullshit doesn't have a word limit, what about you?"

"Let me reread Moby Dick one more time and then we'll see."

"Uh huh, pour my coffee whilst you do it please."

"Oh right, that's the only thing I'm useful for."

"Smart boy, now you're catching on."

There's a moment of silence between the two of us. Little did I know Luke was eyeing us from the kitchen, smirking at our subtle flirtatious banter. 

"So, how's trust fund boy?" Jess asks. 

"He has a name you know."

"Yeah I know, but where's the fun in that?"

"Are good my love life amuses you. This must be my peak."

"So who's the better kisser, me or him?"

"Easy boy."

"I mean unless you can't remember."

"I can remember just fine thank you, I don't need you kissing me."

My phone start ringing as I took a sip from the oversized cup of freshly poured coffee. I looked at the name and felt a tinge of guilt. I was having such a good time with Jess, but maybe I was having too good of a time. 

"I should probably take this." I said, picking up the phone. 

"Outside Charlie." Luke yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah Luke I know the rules relax." I said as I got off the stool. 

"Tell lover boy I say hi." Jess says from behind the counter.

"Yeah because I'm sure he'll love that."

"Bye Jess."

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