The Wedding

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"Oy with the poodles? That's your great new catch phrase?" I ask in disbelief, turning to my mother.

"It's not a great new catch phrase; it's a hilarious new catch phrase." She corrects me.

"My condolences."

"Charlie lighten up, what's with you?" Rory asks me.

"Charlie are you sick, Lorelai why don't you feed your children healthy food." Grandma says as she sits down.

"Mother, I feed my children perfectly." Mum defends.

"Grandma I'm fine, the dinner smells delicious." I say, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, well are you sure feel alright? Is it your arm? I swear if that doctor told you to take pain killers-" Grandma asks with genuine concern.

"Geez grandma, how much wine have you consumed."

"Young lady, how dare you-"

"Make a joke, and FYI I'm not a lady, I was never presented at that obnoxious debutante ball thing."

"What the hell is going on with you?" Mum asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine, don't have a cow."

"Charlotte Victoria Gilmore, I don't know what has gotten into you but if this attitude doesn't stop, then you can go straight to your room." Grandma says, beginning to fume.

"Wow groundbreaking clichè grandma. Suits me, I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me." I say, before running up the stairs to my room.

Slamming the door, I lean against it not actually knowing what happened downstairs. Flopping onto the comfy double bed, I find a book from the side table and begin reading it.

Minutes later, there was a gentle knock on the door. Judging by the softness, I assume Rory's outside the room.

"Rory, I really don't want to talk about." I say, resting the book on my lap.

"I'm not Rory, however, will you take a slightly older version of her?" Mum asks, opening the door, coming towards the bed.

"I'm sorry about what happened downstairs, I guess I just snapped with everything that's going on."

"Kid you don't need to explain that to me, remember I have 34 years as living proof of what you just went through."

"I may not have told you everything."

"Oh my God, are you pregnant?"

"Wow that's the first thing you think of?"

"Hey it's not so unreasonable, you and your sister are wonderful results of that."

"Can we not talk about that, it's making me wig."

"Okay, so you're not pregnant, then what aren't you telling me?"

"Tristan's back."

"Tristan? As in Dugrey?"


"As in the guy who you kissed?"

"Yes, I thought you were trying to make me feel better."

"Sorry, so Tristan's back."


"And...what about it."

"I might've somehow said he could stay with us."


"It's okay he can sleep on the couch, or the floor, or outside-"

"Charlie, do his parents know he's back?"

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