Me and You

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Tristan brushed past Jess and I as he walked into the main area, his scent filling both our noses. Turning around, I was faced the back of his head, as he was walking towards the main area. My eyes lingering on where his body once was, I totally forgot that Jess was there. 

"So...that was Tristan." Jess said, trying to break the tension.

"Yeah that was Tristan..." I say, my voice trailing off. 

A moment of awkward silence passed between the two of us, but was quickly broken by three distinct bickering voices in the adjacent room. 

"Wait here," I say to Jess, "I'll be right back." 

"Where are you going?"

"No where, I just need to fix something."

"Is it with Tristan?" He asks bitterly, through a false smile. 

"No, it's a family matter." I say, heading into the adjacent room.

Walking through the doorframe I see Mum, Grandma and Grandpa all quarrelling with one other. 

"I'm being phased out Emily." Are the last words my Grandfather said before realising there was a fourth person in on the conversation. 

"Um hi, I'm sorry to interrupt this Gilmore gathering that I wasn't invited to, but Rory is about to presented and do some pretentious swan dance that makes her look way too stupid for humanity, and I really didn't want to make fun of her alone." I say, leaning against the doorframe while playing with my fingers nervously. 

"Charlie's absolutely right," Mum said, walking towards me, "We are here because of Rory."

Walking out of the room with mum's arm around my shoulder, I looked back anticipating to see a waiting Jess, probably sitting on one of the bottom of the grand stair cases in the foyer reading a book. However, reality decided to have a different toll on events. Jess disappeared, nowhere to be seen. 

Tears began to form in my eyes as my body was suddenly immobilised by a rush of emotions. Thoughts like 'Was I not good enough?' and 'Did he find someone else?' racked around my brain. Noticing I wasn't moving, mom came up from behind me and gently hugged the back of me. The two of us stayed in that position for a few moments as tears streamed down my face. 

"Do you want to go inside, or just stay out here for a few more minutes?" Mum whispered into my ear. 

"I think I just want to be alone for a few minutes." I said, wiping my tears away with my hand. 

"Ok  kid, I'll meet you inside." She says, gently rubbing my arm up and down before exiting the foyer and entering the debutante ball. 

Heading outside, I sit on the curb, contemplating with my thoughts and how I lost one of my potentially best friends. 

"A penny for your thoughts." I heard a male voice from behind me say. 

"Make it a dollar and maybe I'll think about it." I say, turning around and facing Tristan. 

"Well Gilmore you run a high price but I think I can make it work." Tristan smirks. 

"Dugrey shouldn't you be in there hitting on some teenage girl who's drooling over you." I say directing to the debutante ball. 

"I am with a teenage girl who's drooling over me, but we're just outside." 

"I am not drooling over you, besides I don't even like you."

"Oh that's right you have le boyfriend." 

"He's not my boyfriend. Not now and possibly ever." 

"Okay I'm sensing that you're upset with him." 

"Really what gave me away Sherlock?"

"Well Watson my good man or woman in this case, I'm just that good." 

"Ha you wish." I say, folding my arms over my chest. 

Walking up to me, Tristan gave me his jacket. 

"What are you doing?" I asked shocked.

"Your hands are folded over your shoulders. You're either cold or pissed off." 

"Will you take a mix of both?"

"Hmmmm, only for you Gilmore." He finally says before wrapping his jacket around my shoulders. 

"Thank you." I say quietly. 

" wanna talk about Jess?"

"I'll prefer not to."

"Ok." He says shrugging and placing his hands in his pockets. 

A small moment of silence passed between us, which neither of us could stand. 

" like Jazz?" Tristan, raising an eyebrow at me. 

"Ew, no. You perfectly know the answer to that question." 

"Well I thought you might've changed from great taste in music to terrible taste." 

"Well you should be thankful I haven't."

"Look this is really awkward. It's probably the cold but it might be the fact that you're pissed off. So I'm going inside before I do something stupid." He says quickly before kissing my cheek gently. 

Both totally taken aback by this gesture, we both stare at the ground. 

"See what I mean, stupid."

", yeah sort of." I stammer, a thing I do whenever I'm nervous. 

"See ya Gilmore."

"Wait Tristan your jacket."

"Keep it suits you." He smirks, before heading back inside. 

"Well it is pretty feminine." I shouted back at him.

Turning back around and facing the exterior, I picked up his sleeve and smell it. Taking in as much as possibly could, I smelt the smell that I was once deeply attracted to. 

Slowly rising up from my comfortable position, I decide it's time to go back inside and face the music or in this case, a ridiculous swan dance filled with other ridiculous dances. Walking up the stairs, I enter the foyer but am suddenly stopped by a familiar face. 


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