1- Leaving L.A.

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Tiffany sits in the office of her childhood friend and attorney David Delany, thinking about what happened the night before when her husband Michael came home belligerently drunk and obnoxious accusing her of sleeping with his best friend. Getting in her face and shoving her up against the wall, his hand sliding down into her panties, checking her out to see if she had been having sex.

"Get your filthy hands off of me. If anyone was having sex it looks like you were by the lipstick stain on your collar." Tiffany barks shoving him away from her.

Michael grabs her shoving her to the ground, pinning her down he rips her panties off and thrusts himself inside of her. "I better not ever see or hear you ever cheating on me or it will be the last thing you ever did."

Remembering word per word of what Michael had said to her, she wipes the tears away as she talks with her attorney. He then goes over the forms with Tiffany having her initial and sign on the lines as he flips through each page for her to sign. "Tonight he is having a party at our house, I plan on leaving sometime during the night while he has all them people over, please wait to deliver these until tomorrow after I am long gone. I don't want him to ever find me."

"Where are you heading to?" He asks concerned.

"Where ever the long road takes me, I just want to be far, far away from here, and to never return." Quivering her lips, trying to hold back the tears.

Her attorney friend leans forward folding his hands together and looks at her feeling sorry for her. "You're a strong woman, you always have been, where is the woman I grew up with that was strong willed and full of integrity?"

"I'm still here. I just cannot believe this is happening, you should have seen him David, the color of his eyes changed colors, the coloring of his face, everything, he looked like the devil." She looks away "This had been going on for months, I've been waiting for the right time to leave. Promise me you will not say one word to him on where I am." She sighs.

"Well how can I tell him where you are when you haven't even told me? Do you even have a car to leave in?"

"No, I have no car. He took my car away the other day. And what I meant by that was don't tell him that you know I had left town, just let him know that you know nothing other than to have those papers delivered to him."

"Tiffany... he will know that I know something, he knows that we've been best friends since grade school."

"Just please act like you know nothing."

David stands up and walks over to her taking her hand helping her up and gives her a hug. "Tonight I will drop off a car and leave the keys under the floormat for you. I have a car that I was planning on junking but you can have it. It runs and drives, doesn't look very pretty but it will get you to where you want to be." He tells her rubbing her back.

"Why are you junking it if it runs?"

"Because it looks like shit." He laughs. "It's an old Honda Accord, you'll know which one it is when you see it. I'll park it down the street from your house."

"Thank you so much. I owe you one."

"Don't worry about it, you don't owe me anything, just be safe is all I ask, and be sure to call me sometime to let me know that you're OK."

Tiffany leaves his office and stands outside looking into the bright blue sky amazed that there isn't one single cloud in the sky. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, she feels somewhat free after signing the papers, she now has to figure out how to sneak out of the house without anyone seeing her. She hurries home to pack clothes and to try to hide her bag somewhere so that she has some clothes to change into.

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