3- Feelings coming around

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Caleb is confused at what she had just said to him, her arms wrapped around him tightly, he looked into her eyes "You want me to what?" He asked confused.

"Stay with me tonight." She says again running her fingers through his hair.

Panicking he pulled away from her "Look lady..."

"It's Tiffany." She cuts in as he stands up, backing away from her.

"Right.. Tiffany, I have no clue who you even are, I'm not staying the night here with you. I'm going to grab your bag out of my truck, and head home." He says feeling flustered.

Walking out to his truck, he looked around feeling confused, he thought that she was beautiful but wasn't about to stay with someone that was drunk and do something they both would regret. He grabbed her bag and her purse and brought them back to her. When he opened the door he didn't see her, he then heard her in the bathroom with the sounds of puking, he sat on the bed waiting for her to come out.

When she wasn't coming out he breathed in deeply and started rubbing his face. "Are you going to be OK in there?" He yelled out to her.

She never responded so he got up and knocked on the door, when she didn't respond again he checked the door knob, it was unlocked and opened the door. Her head was slouched over in the toilet passed out. "Oh fuck." He said outloud.

Rushing over to her he picked her up and carried her over to the bed, laying her under the blankets. He sat on the chair looking at her, unsure of what to do now. He didn't want to leave her incase she ended up puking in her sleep, but also didn't want to stay there either, he wanted his bed and he had to be to work at eight in the morning.

He decided to go talk to Bertha. He walked over to the office and rang the bell. "Hey Bertha." He smiled when she walked out to him.

"Did you get her in the room OK?"

"I did... how many days did she pay for?"

"Just for tonight."

He leaned on the counter rubbing his temples with his one hand thinking of what to do.


"Oh.. I'm thinking her car is done for and possibly needs an engine and some other parts, I have about seven or eight cars in front of hers, so she's kind of stuck here for a while, unless she buys another car. My guess she doesn't have much money by the looks of the car, I also have a feeling she is running away from something or someone."

"I also had that feeling when she came in around four in the morning. She wasn't very pleasant."

"What do you mean, she still isn't pleasant." He chuckled. "But I do sense that she is hiding something.

"If you're asking if she can stay her for free, I'm not so sure Felix will allow that."

"I was afraid of that."

"What sort of deal can you give me if I were to pay for a couple nights for her until I can figure what to do with her."

"Let me talk to Felix and I'll get back to you. I'll try my best to work something out with him."

"I get the feeling I'm going to be stuck with her until I get her car fixed." He sighed and noticed her smiling at him, looking at her confused "What's that smile for?"

"She's a lovely girl, uh huh." She grinned big.

"Yea lovely alright until she opens that trap of hers."

Bertha turned away laughing shaking her head. She knew Caleb all to well and could tell that he liked her. "If anyone can change that mouth of hers is you."

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