7- Honesty is best

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Caleb left her feeling drunk off of his kiss, her body feeling numb, and her pussy throbbing from the excitement he had just got done doing to her. The way he touches her, and the way he looks at her makes her body craving for more.

Pulling him in for another kiss she placed her hand down to his cock and rubbed his hardness, letting out a soft moan when she felt how hard he was. Nibbling and sucking onto his bottom lip as she pulled back. Looking around to see if anyone was close by, seeing that nobody was nearby she unzipped his pants pulling out his cock, leaning down and placing it in her mouth.

Snapping his head back, he was in awe that she had his mouth over his cock he wasn't expecting for her to do that right there with people nearby. It gave him a thrill that she didn't care who was around. Placing his hands on her head gently massaging her head, and playing with her hair, his eyes had rolled back and let out a loud groan as the pleasure had increased.

He was getting ready to release and looked around for a towel as he tried to pull her up, her hands went to his and stopped him from pulling her up. "Oh my...." He moaned out as he released, shocked she allowed him to release in her mouth. She slurped as she released his cock from her mouth, wiping her lips, she gave him a smile "I hope that you enjoyed that." She said softly. "

Cupping the side of her face and brushing the hair away from her face, he looked in other eyes with a smile "I enjoyed it very much so, but you didn't have to do that."

"It was my pleasure." She grinned tracing his lip. "I am a little thirsty though."

Caleb zipped up his pants "I'll go get us something to drink, what would you like?"

"Maybe some water for now."

Caleb left to get them something to drink, while she sat there waiting for him to return, she started to think about her situation and was worried about Caleb, she looked to see where the refreshment stand was and to see if she had enough time to call David quick, she hurried to call him, but when he didn't answer his voice message came on, she noticed that it had changed, it was a message for her to leave a number so that he could call her.

She then hung up not leaving a message. She still was not about to leave her number, she knows how Michael works and thinks he may have gotten to David. She decided to call back again and decided to leave a message " David, I just want to let you know that I'm still OK. You don't have to worry about me, the car is being worked on and then I'll be gone and on my way when it's fixed."

Caleb opened the door as she was hanging up the phone. "Who were you talking to?"

Her heart dropped when he opened the door, he looked upset "I was just leaving a message to a friend of mine that my car was being worked on."

"I thought I heard you say that you were leaving afterwards." He says handing her a water sounding hurt.

"I guess it all depends."

"Depends on what?" He asked confused.

"I guess us." She said quietly feeling guilty that he heard her saying she was leaving. Setting her water on the seat next to her, she climbed onto his lap straddling him. Looking into his eyes "You tell me what you want me to do." She says pressing her lips on his. He kept his eyes open looking at her as she kissed his lips. Wondering what she was up to.

Pulling back she looked at him confused "If you want me to stay I need you to tell me." She whispered feeling bad. Touching her forehead against his "Talk to me."

"I need you to be honest with me, I just talked to you about this the other day."

"As do you." She was quick to say back.

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