14- Surprise!

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Caleb was driving Tiffany over to the fair to help Bertha with the set up the booth, he was still not comfortable with the idea of being auctioned off, he figured that if he didn't have Tiffany in his life it wouldn't matter. "Pull over Caleb." She said giving him a seductress look.

"What? Why? Are you going to be sick?" Caleb asks worried.

"No.. I'm not going to be sick." She laughs "Just pull over."

Caleb pulls over into the ditch looking in the rearview mirror making sure that nobody was behind him. Shifting his body to look at her, she has a grin showing her pearly whites.

"What are you up to?" He asks as she slid over to him climbing on his lap straddling him.

"I just wanted to give you a kiss, who knows when I'll be able to see you today." She says touching her forehead against his, looking in his eyes."

His hands start roaming her back gently and up along the back of her neck and up through her hair pulling her in for a kiss. She starts moving her hips all around when she felt a chubby making it's debut.

The more she kissed him the harder he became, he let out a groan and pulled away from her. "You're such a tease, you know we cannot do anything right now."

"I know, I just wanted a kiss and make sure that you knew I was yours." She says caressing the side of his face.

"Is this about the auction? Because if it is, everything will be just fine." He assured her, curling a finger under her chin lightly pressing his lips to hers.

"Oh I know.. I know everything will be just fine, I just had to remind you." She grinned.

"Trust me, you don't have to worry about me, I'm a one woman man and my eyes are for you only. That's why it's still killing me knowing that you're still married to that asshole." Caleb sighs.

"Well that's a different story and you know that I do not want to be connected to that madman any longer." She says sliding off of his lap.

"Your wish is the same as mine, and I do still need to figure out what I should do about his offer, I just don't trust him, I think he has something up his sleeve for him to give in awfully quick to suggest the offer that he did. He thinks that I'm a blonde bimbo." She sighs "I'm a lot smarter than he thinks I am."

Caleb sighs looking over at Tiffany, now he's stuck with a hard on and she had to bring that up again with Michael. He started driving gripping the steering wheel thinking about the money that he wants from her. "How much have you spent out of all the money?" He nervously asks.

"Oh I don't know... a few grand or so. Why?"

"I'm just curious that's all, I need to figure out how much I need to come up with to cover what you owe him." He says aggravated as he was focusing on the road.

"Caleb don't worry about it, I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to give in, I told him that if I wanted to I technically could go for half of everything, and I will if he wants to get dirty about all of this. I told him that to spare the heartache, I was going to walk away from everything and the least he could do was let me keep that money." Tiffany breathed in heavily as she looked out the window she knew she had a fight on her hands especially if she didn't return the money. She had no reason to, they were married and she felt entitled to at least something out of the horrible marriage.

"Let's just put this to the side for the day and have fun." Tiffany says looking at Caleb caressing his arm.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt by him."

"I won't.... for one I have you, and two I have that gun that Felix bought me." She looks over to Caleb "Besides if I have to I won't be afraid to bullet between his eyes. I have more confidence now more than ever, thanks to you and Felix."

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