13- Michael's Offer

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Michael was sitting at his desk searching the internet, trying to figure out where Tiffany could have gone to, she had no family to run to and the only place that she knew and grew up in was L.A. He tried thinking of areas that she had always talked about wanting to visit. His phone rang, he picked up the phone and noticed that the caller I.D said unknown caller. He set it back down not wanting to answer it.

After the third time in a row of nonstop calling he decided to answer it. It was Tiffany, his eyes lit up and sat straight up. "You're damn right we need to talk." He snapped.

Grabbing a pad of paper and a pen he set it in front of him "Where the fuck are you?"

"Never mind where I am at, I want you to sign those fucking papers." She demanded.

"I'll never sign those papers, you are my wife, my property. We made vows to stay together through thick and thin." He insisted. Bouncing the bottom of the pen on the pad of paper "I want you to tell me where you are at and I will come and get you."

"I'll never tell you where I am, I am safe and away from you. Please sign those papers, I don't love you and never will."

Shoving his chair back in frustration he stood up and started yelling "You owe me fucking money, and I will get that money back from you. Whether you are dead or alive, I will get it back. You do remember I have a life insurance policy on you, so either way I will get my money, but you are worth more if you are in my arms again."

"I have no clue what you are talking about, what money." She knew exactly what he meant, but didn't want to admit that she knew the combination to the safe. "I left everything behind, you do realize since we are married I technically can go for half of everything, but I chose to walk away from it all to spare the heartache. So please just grant me the divorce or annulment whatever it is."

Kicking his chair away he set his phone down on the desk and put her on speaker. He poured himself a shot of cognac, slamming it he poured himself another one trying to calm his nerves, taking the glass he slid the brim of the glass on his bottom lip thinking.

"You owe me $54,000 for that ring that you pawned off as well as $25,000 for what you stole out of the safe. I know that was you, that money was there in the morning when I left and gone later that night. So don't tell me you didn't take it. I have no clue how you figured the fucking code out but you obviously had for the money to be gone."

Walking around he thought some more, she was right she did walk away from it all and she technically can go for half and if he didn't grant it she could turn the tables around and decide to go for half of everything. They never did sign a prenup, so he knows that he would be screwed. He then came up with a plan, a plan that he wondered if she would fall for.

"I'll tell you what... you return that money to me and in person, I will grant you the divorce."

"I will never step foot in Cali ever again, as for the money it's the least I can get for everything that you ever put me through. I should be entitled to something."

"You have a week to decide." He says hanging up on her.

He then called a friend who was good at hacking into anything, being that he had her on the phone long enough he wondered if he could hack into seeing what number she had called from and location. Giving off an evil grin when he told Michael that he can figure out anything to give him a few days.

"I'll find you bitch, and you'll never be able to go anywhere ever again." He laughed in a evil laugh, taking another drink he felt good, he knew she would finally screw up. Being that she blocked the number he still had hope his friend could hack into the system and still find her.

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