16- Explosion

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"Tiffany?" Caleb says in shock, having a flashback to three years ago dropping to the ground.

"Caleb get up." Adam says pulling him up. "We have to go in there, there's other people inside as well."

Caleb got up putting a mask on quick not waiting for anyone and ran into the burning building. Tyler ran in after him spraying water as they got close to fire. Other fire departments had shown up as well as the night crew to help get people out of the building and to help put the fire out.

Caleb was in search for Tiffany, calling out for her, as they search through the rubble there were bursts of flames causing them to jump. Checking bodies as they came across them, carrying them out and placing them on the ground for paramedics to check.

Caleb finally came across a woman who was crawling slowly, he ran over in hopes that it was Tiffany picking her up and running out of the building with her, laying her down he noticed that it wasn't her and ran back in again.

The more he looked around he started to worry almost giving up, he then went into a place where he knew she liked their clothes calling out for her, as he looked around he saw a man who had been shot, he jumped up quick looking around realizing that might have been Tiffany who shot him and called out for her again. Running around he tripped and fell.

He turned to see what he tripped over and saw a leg, getting on his knees he crawled over to the person, he then saw that it was Tiffany "TIFFANY!" He yelled picking her up and rushing out of the building with her in his arms.

Adam watched Caleb rush out of the mall with Tiffany in his arms, behind him was other fireman carrying bodies, as they rushed out of the building, it had let off another explosion, causing them all to fall to the ground.

"What the fuck is going on." Adam yelled out as they were battling the flames.

Paramedics ran to Caleb grabbing Tiffany from him "Is she alive?" Caleb yelled at them.

Checking her pulse, they placed a mask on her giving her oxygen as they laid her on the gurney. "She's alive, please stand back." He was told as they worked on her bringing her inside the ambulance.

Caleb stood in shock as they brought her in the ambulance, blocking everyone and everything out, his mind went back to three years ago losing his wife and kids, and now it happened again to another one he cared a lot for.

Adam walked over to Caleb trying to get him to snap out of it, shaking him, waving his hand in front of him, Caleb couldn't believe it, he tried so hard to protect her, to keep her safe and she's laying in an ambulance getting ready to be taken to the hospital.

"Earth to Caleb... wake up.. do you hear me?" Adam kept saying to him, Caleb finally turned his head to look at him "She's gone isn't she." He said sadly feeling defeated.

Adam looked at the ambulance and back to Caleb shaking his head "I don't know man. I really don't know, looks like they are getting ready to take her, we have enough people here to contain the fire, go with her." Adam urges Caleb. Normally Adam wouldn't allow his men to leave the scene of a fire, but being that Caleb had gone through this a few years ago it was best that he left with Tiffany.

Caleb banged on the back of the ambulance until they opened the door "I'm riding with." He sighed as he looked up at what appeared to be a lifeless Tiffany.

Sitting next to her he held onto her hand and laid his head down on her hand. "Is this your wife sir?" The paramedic asked.

"No, she's my girlfriend." He mumbled taking in deep breaths trying not to hyperventilate. Holding her hand he prayed, prayed for her to be OK.

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