2-Caleb meets Tiffany

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Tiffany runs out of the bar trying to catch up to Caleb, calling out for him. "Are you seriously going to make me run after you in my heels?" She yells. He stops and turns around. "Maybe if you were a little nicer you'll get somewhere."

"So you're Caleb?" She asks shocked as she approached him. She looks at his apparel, wearing fireman's pants, white t-shirt and suspenders holding up his pants.

"Yes.. My name is Caleb."

"I thought you were a mechanic?" She asks confused.

"Yes I fix cars on my own time." He says running his hands through his hair, looking away from her.

"My car broke down in the middle of the night and I need it fixed ASAP." She explains.

"You and everyone else, you'll need to get in line hun." He says turning around and walking towards the station.

"Wait!" She yelled. "I really need my car fixed, what can I do to get you to fix it so that I can get back on the road?"

"Like I said, you'll have to wait in line like everyone else." He says as he continues to walk.

She follows him into the station as he walks up to a truck and starts to check the equipment on the truck making sure everything is working properly. "Look lady, I can't have you following me in here, I have things that I need to get done around here."

"But I can't wait, my car is stuck on the road yet." She sighs.

He stops at what he's doing and looks at her "Where is your car?"

"I have no fucking clue, all I know is that it's that way." She says pointing. "Past that disgusting motel."

Sighing, he brushes past her "Come with me."

"Where are we going?"

"To get your damn car, it can't be stuck on the road. It will get ticketed and towed to the impound."

She follows him to his tow truck out back, he opens the door for her to get in, as she gets in he looks at her ass and smiles. "What's a girl like you doing out here anyways." He says as she gets in the truck.

"None of your fucking business just please go get my car." She snaps resting her elbow on the door with her head in her hand.

"You do know acting like that you won't get very far with me." He says as he gets in and starts the truck.

"Well I'm frustrated, and I'm in a hickville town where I have no fucking clue where the hell I am."

"For your information your in the town called Lancaster." He says as he starts to pull out of the station. "You said your car is this way?" He says pointing down the street.

"Yes.. way past that nasty motel I was stuck in for the night, now I'm stuck in it again." She says looking at the motel as they pass by. He looked over at her as she was looking out the window, he looked down at her legs then up to her chest. She could feel him looking at her and snapped her head towards him. "Something wrong?" She snapped.

He quickly turned his head towards the road shaking his head "Nope. Just curious where your car is."

"It should be on the road here somewhere, I had to walk for a while." She starts saying.

"That must be it up ahead." He says pointing his finger with his hand still on the steering wheel.

"Yep that's it."

He drives past the car and does a u turn so he can park in front of it to hook up the car. "What a beauty." He grins.

She gives him a dirty look and hops out of the truck walking towards the car. Looking in the back seat to make sure her bag was still in there. She forgot she had all that money hidden in the bag.

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