15- Making a deal

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Tiffany locked the doors to the firetruck when Caleb left to go check out the noise. She laid down on the seat nervous that it was the guy that she saw on the phone at the fair. She never said anything to Caleb about it, now she's wishing that she had.

"Fuck." She whispered loudly when she went to grab her purse and remembered that she left it on top floor. Looking around she climbed to the back and stayed hidden.

Caleb went looking around "Hey man what the hell are you doing here?" Caleb recognized the voice and had turned around shoving Adam. "You fucker, what are you doing here?"

"I work here remember? I'm here bringing back everything. Where's Tiffany?" Adam asked.

"I have her hiding in the truck, we heard a noise, so I told her to stay there so I could check the place out."

Adam raised an eyebrow and started laughing. "What's so funny?" Caleb asked.

"Were you two having sex in the truck?"

"What? No..." Caleb lied, trying to hide a smirk.

"You did! You can't lie to me I can see it on your face." He laughed "Don't worry I won't say anything." He grinned. "Man do I wish I was you, my date turned out to be boring as all hell, at least your woman was smart and got you." He sighed.

"I'm glad about that, as much as I hated seeing her spend her money on me like that, I couldn't see spending a night without her and with another woman at that. I was really dreading it."

"Where did she get the money to bid like that?" Adam asked with a curious look.

"Don't ask, please don't ask." He says shaking his head "I better let Tiffany know that it's OK to come out " Caleb says turning away from Adam.

Caleb walks towards the firetruck to get Tiffany, as he walked forward he thought he saw a man peeking through the window and turned around walking towards to the door to look. When he opened the door he peaked his head out looking back and forth and didn't see anybody.

He walked back to the truck and yelled for Tiffany to unlock the door, that it was safe.

Tiffany climbed over the seat and unlocked the door "What was it?" Tiffany asked nervous.

"Adam... He's bringing everything back and locking up, we better go." Caleb says reaching for her hand, helping her get out of the truck.

Tiffany felt relieved, she thought maybe it was just her imagination about that man on the phone and that it was probably just a local who was on the phone, hanging out at the fair, she hadn't met everyone so she didn't think anything else of it.

"Did you feel like having a drink before going home?" Caleb asked as they walked out of the station.

"No.. I better not, I haven't been on the pill for some time now, I would rather wait and see what happens than take a chance."

"Oh yea you're right.... I almost forgot about that." He grinned. "Well then let's go home and have a little fun." Wrapping an arm around her they walked over to his truck and headed home.

A week has past since the fair, Caleb was at work and Tiffany had decided that it was about time she took a pregnancy test. She got ready and had ran to the store. While walking up and down the aisles she felt that she was being followed stopping at times to look around but saw nothing. She grabbed a couple tests and headed home.

When she got home she took one of the tests immediately, she sat in the bathroom patiently waiting to see what the results would be. Her hands shook when she lifted the test up to look "Oh... my... God!" She says hesitantly between words as she stared at the results.

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