22- Special Day

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"Do I love her? Of course I love her, but I'm not in love with her." David says as he rolls his beer bottle back in forth in his hands.

"Are you sure?" Caleb asks as he watches him fiddle with the beer bottle.

"Michael always thought the same thing. Tiff and I are more like brother and sister, I worry about her, like I told you she lived a pretty rough life and I care a lot for her. I just want her to be happy."

"So I would never have to worry about you trying to get her to leave me for you." Caleb says, he knows he didn't have to worry, he's just trying to figure David out and see where his heart is at with Tiffany.

"Oh hell no, I do love her a lot, but not that way, she deserves the best, and I think you'll finally be the piece of the puzzle that she's been missing." David says as he leans back in his chair.

"She does deserve the best, and that person is me." Caleb grins standing up. "I should go get some sleep, I'd like to be wide awake for tomorrow."

"So you don't mind that I crash on your couch?"

"No. I think Tiff put a pillow and a blanket on the couch for you too."

Caleb leaves the room thinking about the next day, excited to be getting married to Tiffany, he shut the door quietly trying not to wake Tiffany and slowly stood next to the bed and undressed.

Caleb climbed into bed, snuggling up to Tiffany and wrapped his arm around her waist kissing the back of her head. Sliding his hand under her shirt he rested his hand on her stomach, laying there he smiled the more he thought about having five kids on the way and how she will be his wife in less than twenty four hours.

The next morning Caleb woke up early and let Tiffany sleep in as he made everyone breakfast. Bertha had called and said that she had all the food ready and hoped that she made enough for everyone.

"I hope that you didn't go all out, it's only a few people." Caleb says to Bertha over the phone.

"You know me." She laughed.

Caleb sighed "I'll see you in a few hours."

Tiffany walked into the kitchen as Caleb was hanging up the phone, walking up from behind him she reached around grabbing his cock "Morning." She said with a giggle.

Caleb turned around walking her to the fridge and pinning her against the fridge. Brushing some strands away from her face he leaned forward kissing her "Morning hun." He said in a low voice.

"I hope that you're ready for today." She grinned touching the side of his face, giving him the look of love.

"I'm more than ready." Caleb says embracing her. "I've made some breakfast if you're hungry."

"Thanks I'm super hungry this morning." Bending down she moves out from his arm and walks to the counter to grab a plate and some food, David was just sitting up rubbing his eyes as he was waking up.

"Hope you two kids are ready for this lifelong commitment, I want to finally witness my best friend happy for once." David smiled as he walked over to the table and sat down.

"Oh we're both ready." Tiffany says as her mouth was full of food.

"Good cause I'm not so sure that I can handle you being unhappy anymore, these last few months have been stressful enough, I can't imagine being stressed any longer." He smiled as he touched her hand.

"Are you being a downer this morning?" Tiffany questioned David as Caleb was looking at David wondering where this was coming from after they had a nice talk the night before.

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