12- The tease

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Caleb had a big grin going on as he looked at Tiffany until she said that he was going to have to wait until they got home.

"Now why would you come here dressed like that, dance like that for me knowing what it would do to me and then tell me that I have to wait?"

"I wanted to show you what you have been missing lately." She reached down and picked up his jacket handing it to him. "Now hurry up and finish what you're doing and come home, I'll wait up for you." She smiled cupping the side of his face and giving him a kiss.

His arms wrap tightly around her, looking at her lips "You're evil you know that." He says with a half grin.

"Well now you what you have to do when you get back to the worksite, and you know what you're looking forward to." She smirked.

His cock was hard and throbbing wanting to be inside her, he tried to push his cock down but with no success. "Come on Tiff can't we just have a little thrill before I head back? He begs.

"Nope." She teased, she knew it was killing him but she didn't care, she knew if she had done something like this he would hurry up and get home. Placing her hand over his cock softly massaging it "Now hurry your ass up and get home."

She turned on her heel and walked away knowing he had a chubby, she was smiling knowing she got to him and wiggled her ass as she left him standing there in awe. His mouth dropped as he watched her walk away Damn he said quietly under his breath.

Putting on his jacket with a sigh, he walked over to the door and stood there waiting for her. He didn't want to wait until he got home and wanted her right then and there.

She was dressed and smiling as she walked towards him. "I take it I didn't need to grab what Adam sent me here for."

"Nope, he did this for me, he was in on the whole thing." She says kissing him passionately. "I'll see you when you get home." She smiled.

Caleb unlocked the door and let her out, as she walked past him he slapped her ass "That's for being so evil, and giving me a bad case of blue balls." He says to her as she jumped and turned around giving him the look.

Walking up to him she grabbed a hold of his jacket pulling him in for a kiss. "If you think you have a bad case of blue balls now, just think of how they will feel if you don't get your ass home." She grinned as she rubbed him below. He gulped and let out a soft groan, she turned around not saying another word and walked over to her car.

She had to laugh when she drove the car out from the back of the station, he was sitting at a red light, when the light turned green she heard him squeal the tires driving as fast as he could. After getting a laugh she headed home, picturing his face the entire time when she denied him sex at the station, as well as when she walked away from him to get in her car.

Caleb drove in hot at the work site, Adam watched him get out of the vehicle and walked towards him. "Back so soon?" Adam grinned

Caleb gave him an evil grin "I could beat the shit out of you right now." He says wrapping his arm around him tightly, pulling him down to give him a noogie.

"What? Was she not there?" Adam asked surprised.

"Oh... she was there all right, gave me a tease show and told me to hurry up and get home."

Adam covered his mouth and laughed hard, he had to turn away from Caleb to try and quit laughing. He couldn't help it the more he saw the look on Caleb's face. He looked like a little kid that had his favorite toy taken away from him.

"I'm glad that you think it's funny. Because I sure don't." He said mockingly with his hands on his hips. "So if we're almost done here I'd really like to get home before I lose another chance with her, what she did was pure evil and you're a part of it."

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