20- You are my life

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"Why would you rent out the restaurant?" Tiffany asks confused as she pulled away from Caleb.

"Let's go in, you deserved to have full attention after everything that you've been through."

"I thought you said that we had reservations?"

Placing his hand on the small of her back he starts walking her to the door. "Well kind of, it was to throw you off and get you to hurry." He grinned.

They walk in and was treated by a smiling waitress "Good evening Caleb." She smiled "This must be Tiffany... Follow me."

She brings them back to a table that they had set up specially for them, it was set up with candles on the table and some fake champagne that was sitting on ice. They had some romantic music softly playing in the background and the lights dimmed just perfectly.

Caleb pulled the chair out for Tiffany, kissing her cheek as he slid her in. They were handed their menu's "Can I have some water?" Tiffany asked the waitress softly.

Tiffany was starting to get nervous as she was putting two and two together. She looked at the menu and couldn't decide on anything. Caleb reached across the table and pulled back on her menu "Order whatever you would like, doesn't matter what the cost is." He says with a smile.

"Caleb.. I don't know if I can everything is awfully expensive." Tiffany says looking at him with guilt.

"I wouldn't have picked this place, nor would I have rented the place out if I couldn't afford it..."

"Are you sure?" She asks quietly as she looked at the menu.

"I have money, more than you know..."

Tiffany looked away from the menu to look at him, looking confused. "You do?"

"I do, I just don't like to show or flaunt it... go ahead and pick what you want, I'll explain later." He grinned.

The waitress came back and took their orders, Caleb took a drink of his water before he starting explaining more about himself.

"So.. as I was saying earlier, I want you to know with me if you were to stay with me.. which I really hope you do... I will be able to take care of you and our child, and you'll never have to worry about anything."

"What do you mean?" Tiffany asks confused.

"Well.. I do have money, I have been saving ever since I started working at fourteen years old, when my grandfather passed away six years ago I inherited money from him. I also inherited money when my family was killed a few years ago." He sighed.

"Oh.." she says quietly.

"There is also something else that I need to get off of my back. I know that I never told you, but I went to the bank to pay Michael off, I took a loan out to pay him, but later canceled it when he didn't cash it right away."

"You did? Why would you do that?"

"I wanted him completely out of our lives, I didn't say anything to you because I didn't want you to get upset, I also had worked with David on it, he was the one who was able to get him to sign the papers, I'm just happy that I got the money back." He smiled. I was afraid he would take the money and then have a change of heart, but that wasn't the case, either he lost the check or he forgot to cash it. Whatever he did worked out for me."

"Well good.." She says as the waitress comes with their food, placing their plates in front of them. "Smells and looks good." Tiffany says as her eyes lit up.

Tiffany started to dig into her food, Caleb looked at her and asked about her family.

"Oh.. there's not much to talk about with them, I lived in foster homes all my life until I met Michael."

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