9-Feelings are real

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Hearing those three big words come out of her mouth made his heart flutter and his body tingle. He wasn't sure if she would feel that way only knowing each other for a month, he knew what his heart wanted and it was hers. Lowering his lips against hers he kissed her with love and passion.

Pulling his fingers out of her wet pussy, he brought them to his mouth smiled at her and tasted her. "Mmmmm... you taste so wonderful, so sweet so amazing." He said in a low tone.

Moving his mouth down to her pussy, parting her wet lips blowing air onto that throbbing clit of hers, his tongue then flicked her clit causing her to arch her back, nibbling and sucking on her swollen button. Her eyes rolled back into her head feeling as if she was in heaven, what he was doing to her pussy made her feeling warm all over sending her into pure ecstasy.

Lifting her hips up and grabbing a hold of his hair she started to scream, her orgasm so high making her body twitch and roll her head side to side as she released her juices, he thrusted his tongue inside swirling it around tasting everything about her.

Pulling his body up he crashed his lips against hers kissing her hard, hungrily and demanding. Her hands wrapped around his neck and slid up the back of his head pressing him harder against her, moving his cock in between her wet lips below teasing her swollen clit as he he rubbed her in between with his cock as he slowly moved his hips up and down.

"Oh Caleb, quit teasing I want you inside of me." She begged.

Wrapping himself tightly on her, his hips moved up placing his cock at her opening and slowing pushed himself inside her, deep and slow watching her the entire time as he thrusted himself inside her. He wanted her to feel every inch of him as he slowly moved in and out.

Leaning his head down his mouth went to her breast flicking his tongue on her nipples and placing his mouth over her breast while thrusting his cock inside her, giving her every bit of pleasure that he could.

Her panting increased, moans got louder, realizing she was about to cum he thrusted harder, deeper and faster. Feeling her walls tighten around his cock, his mouth went to hers licking her lips before thrusting his tongue in her mouth, the temperature of her mouth changed quickly as she orgasmed releasing herself over his hardened shaft.

Pumping harder and faster grunting as he released himself, shoving himself as deep as he could while letting his juices explode inside her, giving her a long passionate kiss before pulling out of her. Kissing her forehead, her nose and pecking her lips he looked at her and traced her lips kissing her one more time "I love you very much."

Hearing him say that to her made her body tingle, and a feeling of butterflies went through her stomach. She felt she had never had anyone feel this way about her, making her feel really good.

She smiled at him "What's on the agenda now." She asked quietly and giggled.

"I'm OK with just laying in bed with you, with you in my arms for the rest of the evening." He grinned as he wrapped her in his arms kissing the top of her head. "There is something that I want to show you."

Releasing her from him he gets out of bed throwing on a pair of jeans "Get up." He smiled reaching for her hand. She couldn't help herself and stared at his chest and the muscles on his arms, she felt giddy and couldn't believe he made her feel that way. He threw her one of his shirts to put on and walked her outside.

Holding her hand he walked her over to the car "So I got the car running for you, looked it all over and fixed whatever was wrong. I also took out all the old gas and filled up the tank for you." He smiled. He opened the door and started the car to show her.

Feeling guilty she placed her hand on his shoulder "I told you that you didn't have to do that, but thank you."

"I wanted to, and like I said you're going to need to get around when I'm not around." He noticed she had gotten quiet and got out of the car, he remembered her asking if it was his wife's car.

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