19- Celebration

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Caleb had rented out the bar for the night, paying what they normally would make on a night and some extra money just for doing this for them, he wanted to celebrate many different things for Tiffany, between finding out that they will be having a child together, also that she is safe and healthy, as well as that she no longer has to worry about Michael. He rounded up their good friends from around town as well as their friends from the fire department.

Throughout the evening they toasted, danced, hollered and cheered for Tiffany and Caleb. Now that everyone was feeling pretty good she let Caleb know what she was up to and had left to head to the bar. She ordered a tray of shots and brought them back to the table.

Adam and Tyler's eyes lit up when they saw the tray, they knew exactly what she was up to and couldn't wait to see who the lucky person was. She handed the shots out to everyone "Now nobody take the shot yet." Tiffany grinned. Looking over at David she stuck her finger out and wiggled it for him to come over to her and Bertha.

"Oh my what are you up to Tiff?" David says stumbling a little over to her.

"Body shot." She laughed.

"Oh hell no, I just got my ass handed to me by Michael I don't need Caleb to kick my ass this time." He says as he turns back around. She grabbed a hold of the back of his shirt pulling him to her. "You're not going anywhere, besides you're not doing it to me, you're doing it to my good friend Bertha." She chuckled.

His eyes widened and looked at Felix "I don't need my ass kicked by him either, looks like he could take me." He said nervously.

"Oh you're good, trust me you're good, I already told Tiffany that I had to see this." Felix says to David laughing. "She could use a young man to strike a fire inside her."

Everyone at the table started laughing, Tiffany explained to Bertha what was about to happen, her eyes perked up and was grinning from ear to ear. Tiffany handed Bertha the lime and David his shot. Bertha dabbed her finger in the tequila, starting between her breasts and slid her finger up sprinkling herself with salt.

"Ah ah ah... I can't wait for a fine young man to start licking on my chest, damn this will probably get my panties all wet." She says grinning from ear to ear, she looks over at Felix "You got an extra pair of my panties in your glovebox?"

"Now.. why on earth would I have any in there?" Felix looked at her confused trying not to laugh.

"You'll never know when I'll need an extra set." She laughed, winking at Tiffany.

The boys started chanting, David then started to do a striptease dance on Bertha's lap, all Bertha could do was grin and laugh using her hand as a fan "Oh my hand isn't working, where's a better fan around here?" She laughed looking at everyone. She started to sweat "Ah lawdy... Whew!" Bertha starts to say as David starts licking the salt off of her chest, placing the lime back in her mouth David takes his shot and takes the lime out of her mouth, she pulled him in and kissed him hard making his arms flop around afraid Felix was going to kick his ass.

Everyone busted out laughing, Bertha looked at Caleb "I need you to put the fire out!" She laughed. Felix looks at Bertha taking a glass of water he threw it on her "How was that?" Felix laughed.

"Whew, I think that I'm cooled off a little.. that was excellent, anyone else like to do one?" She asked looking around.

Adam jumped up "I'll do it." He laughed. "Would you like it done again?"

"Hell nah, If I have a fine piece of meat available to do that to, I'll do it to you." She says standing up walking over to him. Felix covered his eyes shaking his head.

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