Chapter 2: The Announcement

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Mom, Dad and I are sitting on our little couch waiting for the Royal Family's announcements to come onto our little TV, one of the few technologies the Lost Cities use that Humans created. I feel adrenaline starting to pump as it finally switched on.

"Hello and welcome to the Royal Announcements Show, Tonight we will be announcing the 35 girls who will be competing in his royal highness, Prince Fitzroy's Selection"

"Mom, I am so excited," I smile while watching the first few girls getting drawn.
"As long as your not marrying that Sencen boy, I'm happy", says Dad half jokingly, as that's what he's been saying to me for years.
"Dad you know he is only a friend, and his name is Keefe". I laugh as I would never even think about having more than a platonic relate with him.
"From the Province of Dasry, Stina Heks." The TV spouts at us, distracting us from the argument.

Finally, an extremely long time later the show finally calls out our little province.
"Finally, the 35th girl, from the Province of Goddenfield, is......" They pause for effect, whxih just makes me tense up in the few seconds that last before they announce the last girl
"Sophie Ruewen". The guys announcing smiles, and I can hardly believe what I just heard.
"I got in...." I whisper shocked. " I got in!" I half scream excitedly, while Mom and Dad sit beside me shocked.Eventually they look towards me and smile.
"We're so happy for you sweetie!" Dad exclaims, while Mom gives me a big hug.
"I can't believe that just happened!" I exclaim, while they nod in agreement.
After a while of sitting shocked at what just happened I realized how late it had already become I tried my best to fall asleep. Though that's always impossible when something that big happens to you.

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