Chapter 18: Brooke's Task

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I woke up, but not in my room. Where am I? Right I'm in Biana's room because of our sleepover. I calmed down a bit. Biana is still sleeping. I quietly walk over to one of the maids who is currently cleaning and ask her to grab a dress from my room so I can change. The dress the maid brings back is a purple day dress. I quickly get changed, and start brushing my hair. Biana slowly starts waking up. One of Biana's maid puts my hair into two French braids as Biana starts getting dressed. Before long she is also ready and we head to the dining room for breakfast.

While waiting for breakfast Biana and I just talk. Fitz arrived shortly after us. With Brooke and Joanne arriving shortly after him. Once everybody was here breakfast was served. It was absolutely delicious. Everyone finished quickly, and Alden was soon standing up to make an announcement. "Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Brooke's task is today, and it's a horse back ride with Fitz and myself. Everyone please arrive at the stables in half a hour. Thank you" he said. Everyone left after that, Biana coming with me to my room to help me get ready.

I change into a simple red, knee length dress. I keep my hair in the French braids so it doesn't go everywhere. Biana found a small bag, and put a similar dress into it, just in case this one gets ruined too. Biana then escorts me to the stables, as its almost time to meet there. We arrive to see stable boys getting the horses ready. Brooke arrives after us, showing me what horse I will be riding. It is a beautiful chestnut horse, with white stockings. Fitz arrives next, with Joanne arriving shortly after. Joanne will be riding a grey horse, with a white strip on its nose. Fitz's horse is bay coloured and Brooke's is black. Leaving the last horse, to Alden. It is also chestnut, but it doesn't have any stockings.

Biana leaves, as she has some ability training soon. She is a vanisher like her mother. Alden soon arrives, and we mount our horses. I absolutely hate riding side saddle, but riding normal is seen as unladylike. Which basically forces me to do it. For the first bit of the ride Alden and I are close to each other and we make some small talk. After what seems like forever, we stop for lunch. After everyone is done eating we start riding back. Fitz ends up riding beside me this time. We just entered a bit of rougher terrain. When my horse suddenly starts galloping, something must have frightened it. Galloping while in side saddle is certainly not fun, and I end up falling off. My left ankle starts hurting, I must have injured it during my fall. The others soon catch up to me. Brooke confirms that the horse got spooked. I didn't know she was an empath, well I didn't know her ability anyways.

Fitz helps me stand, I can't even put any weight on my foot, otherwise it starts hurting. As my horse ran off, he helps me onto his horse, then gets on himself. Luckily we are quite close to the castle anyways, so I can get my ankle checked out quicker. Fitz helps me to the healing center, to see Elwin. We find out I have a fracture in my ankle. He gives me medicine to help speed up the healing, but it still at least be a week before its completely healed. He also gives me crutches to help me get around. Fitz escorts me to my room. When we get there he tells me, "I will help you set up for the task tomorrow, as your ankle is hurt". That's very sweet of him. I say "Thank you" and head into my room. My dinner is sent up to my room, as its best to let it rest a while. I doze off into a worried sleep, because of how hard my task will be with a hurt ankle.

Hey everyone, how are you liking the story so far? Anyways, I would love to dedicate this chapter to breebree610! Thanks -twinkle7102

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