Chapter 24: The Answer

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Sophie POV

I woke up today in nervous sweat. Today is the day I learn whether I am to go home or not. He is choosing his wife today, and all I can do is hope he picked me. I honestly can't imagine being with anyone else. Silveny felt my panic, and did her best to send calming thoughts. At least I will have my family there for support. All of my closest friends and family were personally invited to come for the announcement. I couldn't wait to see the triplets, Keefe, Mom and Dad. I quickly got ready, and headed to the dining room, where we were to greet our guests.

When I arrived, I found an overly excited Bex. She is so glad she got to visit again. "Sophie stop your worrying" she told me. "How did you..." "Well I recently manifested, along with Rex". Wait what?

"I'm a Froster like Mom, and she's an Empath" Rex continued.

"You guys manifested and didn't tell me?!"

"Well we only manifested last week, and not worth it to send you a letter Sophie" Bex explained.

Lex seemed a bit upset that he also hadn't manifested, but I reassured him all is fine. I can't believe that the other two have already! Dex seemed just as surprized as I was. Biana came to greet them shortly after, congratulating the two on their manifesting. I'm sure Lex will soon, though I wonder what ability he would get.

Alden gave a short announcement that Fitz will share who he chose as his bride after dinner. Great more time for me to worry. I showed everyone Silveny. Bex and Mom gushed over her. And Silveny loved it, but not as much as she loved Keefe. I seriously don't get why she liked being called Glitter Butt. It turns out she got taught a whole lot of new words from Keefe as well. Like she basically scream-transmitted 'Sophitz' and 'Dexiana'. Well it appears we have a major shipper now. I do really hope though that Dexiana does happen, they are one of my favourite couples of all time.

Fitz ended up coming to visit Silveny while we were there and just seemed as shocked as I was at her transmittions. Keefe and Fitz became fast friends, and went off walking. As days always do when you're worried, it seemed to go much quicker after that. At dinner I could barely touch my food and before I knew it Fitz stood up to make his announcement.

"I would really like to take this time to thank you two, and all of the other girls in the competition who gave up their time to get to know me, and all the other girls. I sincerely hope you will hold these friendships for the rest of your life, and that you will respect my decision." He then took a deep breath and turned towards me, and fell onto one knee.

"Miss Sophie Ruewen, will you give me the honours of becoming my wife?" I screamed "Yes!" and I suddenly heard a ringing in my ears, and a whole bunch of pain beside my heart. I hear people screaming and black took over my vision.

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