Chapter 15: The Three

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First of all I would love to give a Shout out to abigailschwarz who was the first to comment on the story! It made my day that you commented. Also my school will be starting up tomorrow, so I won't have as much time to update. Anyways, enjoy the Chapter!

The second to saying the final name seemed like eternity to me, even though in reality it was only a moment. "And Sophie!" I felt a great rush of relief on hearing those words. I was upset that Chelsea had to leave, but at least Stina was leaving as well. I don't know how Fitz put up with her for so long. Everyone went to bed after this announcement was made, Stina and Chelsea didn't have to leave till morning, considering it was just past midnight. That night I had a peaceful, dreamless sleep. It was probably the best one I've had for a long time.

Breakfast was pushed back an hour due to our late night. After breakfast Chelsea and Stina had to leave. Brooke and I said our goodbyes to Chelsea, then parted ways for our first lessons. I really don't get why we still have lessons today as Brooke, Joanne and I all were very tired from the day before. Luckily for my first two classes we just did reviewing of stuff I already learned. Telepathy wasn't so easy, Fitz and I did mock trails, to get a feel of what they would be like. They were exhausting. But they were at least helping us prepare for our real trials. Even then, who knows what our trials really contain, other than Fitz having to tell me his final secret, if he hasn't by then. I honestly have no idea what it could be, what was there left for him to say. I guess I will find out sooner or later. As soon as telepathy ended Biana Summoned me to come and visit her.

When I got there we just talked. She asked me how my family was. "As far as I know they're doing well. Dex is the only one I don't know about, he hasn't been answering my letters". Biana bit her lip and looked away, almost as if she was hiding something. I asked her about it, but I didn't press for details. I figure she would probably tell me eventually. But I still wonder if she knows something about Dex. Well its time for dinner anyway, so Biana and I went to the dining room. Dinner was excellent, we ended up having Brattails and Porcarot Pie, with Ripplefluffs for dessert. They were delicious, I seriously need to ask the chef for her recipes.

After dinner I talked to my maids for a little while, learning even more about them. I knew then that I would keep writing letters, or talking to them, even after the selection was done. Now I couldn't imagine a life without them in it, in someway. I fell asleep happily knowing that at least during the selection, I've made friends whom I could never forget.

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