Chapter 13: Christmas

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I woke up to find Mom and Dad sitting on the edge of my bed, once they noticed I was up the yelled "Merry Christmas". "Thanks", just a minute you guys I will get you your present. Their present was a embroidered heart that was made out of our names and our close families, such as Dex, Bex, Rex and Lex. They adored it and Edaline asked "when did you have time to make it?" I replied simply "yesterday". They were shocked I finished it in under a day. They gave me a beautiful crystal necklace, with matching earrings, I have no idea how they paid for it but I was gratefully never less. After I got changed we headed to the dining room for breakfast. I brought every bodies presents with me. As the Royal family wasn't there yet I gave each of the girls a simple heart embroidery of their name. For Alden and Della, I did their names in a heart which included Fitz, Biana and Avlar. Avlar gave up his throne when he was younger so he didn't have to go through a selection and married a beautiful lady named Maria.

For Fitz and Biana I did something similar to the girls except it had their siblings names and said "No matter what, we will always be family". I really hoped everyone would like theirs. If I had more time I would have made some for my mentors, Elwin and my cousins. But almost fading away gave me very little time to do this. We ate breakfast then I gave my presents to Biana, Fitz, Alden and Della. I spent most of the day with Mom and Dad, I wrote to my cousins and Keefe wishing them a Merry Christmas. At lunch I learned there would be a Ball tonight, and that Elwin wanted to see me, so he could tell if I was well enough to dance. I also learned Biana prearranged my dress and accessories, for the chance I would be well for the ball.

Elwin thinks I'm well enough to go, but wants me to after I dance a set, to rest a set. Which is fine by me, I normally have to rest a bit because I get too tired. Biana sent our dinners to her room, so we could start getting ready as soon as we were done eating. The dress she picked was a beautiful red, with a bit of silver detailing around the waist. She put gold eye shadow on me, some mascara, blush and red lipstick. My hair was left down.(Sophie's Dress Below)

After I was ready she put on her royal purple gown and got her maids to do her  hair and makeup

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After I was ready she put on her royal purple gown and got her maids to do her hair and makeup. Before long we were heading to the ballroom. I danced first with one of the guards, he almost drooled on me though. On the next dance I was able to join, I danced with a different guard, he looked fairly familiar, but I guess that's because of my stay at the castle. For the next two dances I didn't dance with anybody, nobody asked me. On the next dance Prince Fitz asked me to dance, it was quite nice, I don't think I've ever had so much fun dancing. This dance was quite fast, but I was doing alright. We were talking about our telepathy classes together, how funny that we didn't realize why we were doing trust exercises, when we really learned about cognates the class before. The dance went by super quick, I was quite sad he was leaving me, but he does have to dance with the other girls, so I understand. The ball was over before I knew it, I danced with Fitz one more time and a couple guards. Soon I removed all my makeup, accessories, and my dress and went to bed.

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