Chapter 14: New Years

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Unfortunately Mom and Dad had to leave the next day, I had a good Christmas with them, and there was a good chance I would be seeing them soon. Fitz and I continued with our telepathy sessions together, we have become super close because of this. These lessons were also making the other girls jealous, especially since how the Prince generally came to sit across from Biana, who is always beside me. Brooke and Chelsea are quite nice, over the last little while I learned that they are both 3's. Stina and Joanne have all of a sudden become quite clingy to Fitz. Poor Fitz.

Fitz and I have been having lots of fun in our telepathy sessions, Tiergan thinks we could actually become cognates soon, that is after he tells me his last secret. We have been having to tell each other all of our secrets lately. I even told him I was falling in love with him, that was quite awkward. But something he should probably already know, considering I was still in the selection. Okay maybe I hadn't told him the full truth, I am in love with him, but I don't want to seem like I'm forcing him into anything.

Anyways, tomorrow in New Years Eve, meaning he is announcing the top 3 tomorrow night! I'm getting more nervous with each minute that passes by. I mean there is a 3/5 chance that I will be staying but, that seriously doesn't help much. I just hope I don't get kidnapped again, that really sucked. The thing I don't get about it though, is why they kidnapped me, of all of the girls. Most people don't know about all of my abilities, and I am the one with the lowest status in the caste system. Maybe one day the answer will present itself. Everyone just finished eating breakfast, and I have no doubt Biana will be wanting me to try on dresses for tomorrow's party. And that will probably also include her trying makeup and accessories with it.

It turned out my assumption was correct, Biana was wanting me to do this, so basically until my lessons I was stuck doing this. Luckily it went by quickly and I soon went to my inflicting lesson. It turned out my mentor, Bronte wanted me to go help Elwin in the hospital wing. To help keep his patients calm. Well at least I was helping people. It turned out there was only animals that Elwin was taking care of, so the class ended up being quite boring. Before long I had my enhancing lesson, where I was practicing helping people with their abilities to do work around the castle. Again it was quite boring. At least I have telepathy now.

For our cognate session, as Fitz only had one secret left Alden was teaching us about the test we would have to go through to actually become cognates. Apparently they were different for each pair, but for certain if Fitz didn't tell his secret before them, then it would be one of the tests. We also learned that at some point after the selection and the coronation, when things quieted down a bit. Tiergan then came in for our telepathy session. We were practicing some of the skills we had already learned like mind linking and transmitting to animals. Well at least we had two fun sessions today. Nobody had any sessions tomorrow as it was an elimination day. Dinner was delicious. We had mallowmelt and custard bursts. Before long I went to bed.


The next morning I woke up in a panic. I could be eliminated today, this really scared me. I don't want to leave, I would dearly miss everybody. And I couldn't continue with my cognate lessons. Luckily Silvia, Amanda and Lily were able to calm me quickly. Seriously I think at least one of them is an inflictor with how fast they are able to calm me. But whenever I ask they quickly change the subject. They quickly dressed me, and did my hair and makeup. Before shooing me out of the room to go to breakfast. It seems like the other girls are quite nervous as well. None of us seem ready to leave. I sincerely hope Stina and Joanne are leaving, but one cannot be too sure of this.

After breakfast I went to my room to write to my friends and family. I really hope these aren't the last letters I will be writing here. Soon I was done and I asked Lily to go send them. Not long after that Biana called me to have some tea. It was quite nice, we just talked, mostly her trying to reassure me that I would be staying at least till the end of the selection. But even then it didn't help much. Once we realized what time it was we started getting ready for the party. Biana in a beautiful teal mermaid dress. And I in a calf length red dress. I have no doubt Biana picked it due to all of the sparkles on the top. Biana put a touch of makeup on me then put my hair into two French braids into a ponytail. She just put her hair into a simple low bun. (Sophie's dress below)

We then headed off to the party

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We then headed off to the party. There was a lot of dancing that was happening when we got there. It seemed to go by super quick, before I knew it we were counting down to midnight. "Happy New Years!" Everyone yelled. And soon after that Alden and Fitz were climbing up the stage."Could I get every bodies attention please, thank you. My son is now going to announce the top 3" Alden said. "First of all I would like to say thank you to all of the girls who have taken the time to compete in the selection. Anyways the top 3 girls are Brooke, Joanne and......"

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