Chapter 7: The Lesson

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Confusion swept through me as I saw the Prince at my lesson. once he noticed me, he also seemed very confused as well
"Hello Miss Sophie, how are you? If you don't mind me asking, what brings you to this part of the castle right now?" He smiled, with a hint of confusion still able to be seen on his face.
"I'm good, your Highness, I'm waiting for my telepathy lesson." I said, while continuing to get closer to the door.
"Telepathy lesson?" He asked, seeming even more confused than before. Right then, Sir Tiergan arrived.
"I know both of you have lots of questions," he paused, taking a breath. "Miss Sophie has proven to have incredible telepathy skills, possibly better than either of ours Fitz," He smiled. "I've been asked to teach both of you, but I don't have much time in a day to do so, so you will be sharing a telepathy class." He finished, motioning us to come into the room.
It was brightly lit, with a beautiful blue paint on the walls. The Prince walked over to one of the three seats in the middle of the room so I followed.
"Okay, so I know how your telepathy training is going so far Fitz, so I'm going to do a few tests on Sophie first." Tiergan smiled at us, while he was starting to sit down.
"You can just call me Sophie, Sir Tiergan," I blurted, as I could tell the formalities we're starting to really frustrate me.
"You also don't need to put a Sir in front of my name, Sophie," he joked. "I'm going to probe you now," he spoke more seriously, while I nodded. After a few minutes I could tell he was getting a little confused.
"Have you been blocking Sophie?" He asked me, while I shook my head no,
"I've never learned how to properly block," I said sheepishly.
"Well why don't you try and get into my head then?" He smiled, while having a bit of a worried face. I nodded, then went into his mind. It was actually kind of easy, even though I could tell he was trying to block.
"You're worried how you're supposed to teach me, as you can't probe me," I said calmly, while his face whitened a little bit.
"How? I was trying to block you that entire time?" Tiergan muttered, but both Fitz ad I could definitely still hear him, as Fitz had an audible gasp.
"Never mind that." He said shaking his head. "Sorry Fitz, but it looks like we're going to be having the ethics talk again today."
Before long, the class was over and I curtsied and said my goodbyes. I was glad that it was finally over, Tiergan's voice can really become a monotone when giving that talk. As soon as I got into my room about to sit down, I heard my door open.
"How was telepathy? What was Fitzy's reaction to you being in his class..." Biana rushed, as if she was an auctioneer. She probably could've gone on, but I interrupted her.
"Wait, was that the reason you were laughing so hard?" I asked, while she nodded her head. I sighed.
"We we're both mostly just confused at seeing the other there waiting for Tiergan," I stated, while finally sitting down.
"Well, either way I'm going to go bug him for details!" She smiled and left the room as fast as she had come in. I really wonder how she has that much energy. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner and I left my room.

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