Chapter 19: Sophie's Task

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I shifted in my sleep, then felt a sudden burst of pain in my ankle. Right it's injured, my task will be so much easier with that. Lily helps me out of bed, and starts getting me ready. As the easiest thing to put on is shorter dresses. I wore a light pink dress, that stopped right before the knee. I just slipped it on over my head. My hair was brushed, and soon I was heading down the hall to get to breakfast. Stairs were a bit of a problem, as the castle had no elevators. I some how made it to the bottom without falling. At least the dining room was only one flight of stairs from my room, I made it there quite quickly. Breakfast went by quickly, and soon the king stand up for his announcement.

"Good morning everyone. Today is the last of the girls tasks. Sophie's is a party, it will take place after dinner, please dress nicely. Thank you!" With that everyone quickly left, and I headed to the ballroom, to start decorating. It turns out that some maids were already starting. I only had to make a couple of last minute decisions, as I could barely do anything else.

Everything was almost done, and Sophie could leave for the time being. When Fitz walked in. "I was looking for you, I didn't know if you had started yet" He told me. "Well its all under control, so Shoo, we might as well keep it a surprise for you too". After he left I headed to Biana's room, because we promised to have lunch together. It consisted mostly of sweets, like mallowmelt and custard bursts. It was quite delicious. I stayed in her room for a little while, just talking to her when a maid burst in. "Miss Sophie, come quick, someone wrecked the ballroom when we were all on break". I could tell she was quite upset. Biana and I headed to the ballroom.

Luckily we still had leftover decorations to fix the mess. When everything looked okay, I noticed that Biana and I missed dinner. I guess decorating a ballroom is a big job, and a lot of the maids who were helping us also had other duties to fulfil. Biana and I headed straight to my room. We came across two maids in the hall, Biana asked one of them to grab the dress she was planning to wear. And I asked the other to get us some food. She immediately started getting me ready. I managed to put on a floor length, red dress. It had a it of a poof at the bottom. But not enough to be considered a gown. Biana also curled my hair. The maids then arrived with our food, and the dress. We quickly ate and while Biana was getting changed into her dress, my maids did my makeup. Simple red lipstick, and neutral eye shadow, with a touch of blush. Biana was ready quickly after me, and we headed to the ballroom. God I hate stairs, I swear their only there to bug me while I'm injured.

I arrive to find Della there waiting for me. Everyone else should be arriving in the next couple minutes. "Wow, this looks amazing Sophie. I heard that someone destroyed it, I'm sorry I couldn't come help, I was stuck in a meeting until dinner". She told me. "Well I couldn't have done it without Biana, and the maids who helped me!" I replied. Once everyone was here the dancing began. Wow, two dances which I have been injured for. Well at least last time I could actually dance. After the first few dances Fitz came and sat with me. We were talking for at least half an hour before he left to continue dancing. Everyone seems to be having a good time, all dancing and talking. Soon it was midnight, when the ball was ending. Della and I stayed until everybody else left, then we went to our rooms.

I barely changed before falling asleep. Hosting a party is certainly a lot of work. My dreams were sweet, and consisted of a beautiful teal colour.

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