Chapter 6: The News

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The next morning Lily woke me up and helped me get ready for the day, when we got a note that breakfast was going to be pushed back a hour. I decided this would be a very good time to learn about my maids. It turns out Lily is an orphan and the king took her in when she was younger to prevent her from having to live on the streets. Amanda has two young boys who work at the castle, as stable boys. And Silvia recently got married. We talked for a little while, then I got to work on writing letters for my friends and family. Before long my maids shooed me out to go to breakfast.

I sat down where she normally sit and when Biana came in as soon after. We locked eyes and almost immediately she started laughing again.
"What is so funny Biana?" I asked her.
"Sorry I can't tell you, you'll find out today anyway," she giggled, while I sighed. Both Marella and Linh looked confused.
Before long somebody came and sat across from Biana, upon realizing who it was we all attempted to curtsy, unfortunately for me this meant I fell on my butt, but I quickly recovered. Biana locked eyes with her brother then started laughing again. Throughout breakfast she kept looking between Prince Fitz and I, then giggling to herself.
"Do you know why she's been laughing so hard since yesterday?" I ask exasperated to Marella and Linh, but they shook their heads. I sighed getting tired of this.
"I have no idea either, but it's quite interesting isn't it?" Prince Fitz responded to me. We were then served breakfast, with us chatting the entire time.
Before long people started trickling out of the room, I noticed a servant pulling Linh and a few other girls I do not know out of the room.
"Hey Sophie, do you want to come on a walk with me, as we still have a bunch of time before lessons?" Marella asked, and I nodded. We headed to the gardens and after about fifteen minutes we were ambushed by a crying Linh.
"I...I...I was eliminated!" She stuttered. Marella and I enveloped her into a group hug.
"I will miss you guys so much!" She continued, sniffling.
"Don't worry, we promise to keep in touch." Marella comforted her.
"Once this whole thing is over we will all meet up again," I added.
We then said all of our goodbyes, then headed our separate ways.

Before long it was time for classes, but both inflicting and enhancing seemed to go by in a blink of a eye.
However it took forever to find telepathy, but once I finally found it I saw another waiting outside the rooms door, Prince Fitz.

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