Chapter 16: The Task

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"Miss Sophie, its time to get up!" My maid, Lily said. With a groan I got out of bed. Lily started to do my hair, while Amanda was picking my dress, and Silvia was starting on my makeup. Those three work very well as a team. Soon I was out of my door heading for breakfast.

Biana was already there talking to Fitz. Since when is he here before me, I swear it he's never arrived at breakfast before me. Biana seemed a tad bit annoyed by something he said. Especially since she started ignoring him through breakfast. Biana and I had a good chat, though. Even with Fitz trying to apologize to Biana, for something he did. I shot him apologetic glances, for it was really me who disturbed whatever they were talking about before.

Just when everybody finished eating Alden stood up to make an announcement. "Hello everybody, I hope you enjoyed your breakfast. Prince Fitz and I have decided to create a team bonding experience for the selection girls. Each girl will be paired with a Royal, and will be given a task. Brooke shall be with myself, Joanne with Princess Biana. And Sophie with Queen Della. We will each set up meeting times, to discuss our task. Have a good day everyone!" Alden said before sitting back down. Well now I know why Biana's mad. But it does make sense why she was paired up with Joanne, both Brooke and I are quite close to Biana. This way we could possibly get close to people we don't really know.

I stand up to go when Della comes up to me. "Sophie, why don't we discuss your task after your telepathy lessons?" I have nothing to do then, so I said, "Of course your Majesty". "Please call me Della, Sophie". "Of Course Della" we then parted ways, myself going to my lesson. Della, to do what ever queenly things she had to do today.

Soon I got to inflicting, but no one was there. This was weird, because Bronte is always on time. He didn't show up at all. And soon enough it was time for enhancing. I asked the enhancing mentor why Bronte didn't show up, but he didn't know. So we continued on with our enhancing lesson. The class went by in a flash, but I couldn't get my mind off Bronte.

When Alden arrived for Fitz and I's cognate lesson, I also asked him he seemed a bit worried at first, but brushed it off. Alden tried to get Fitz to tell his last secret to me. Instead Fitz told Alden, and he agreed it was better left until after the selection. Soon Tiergan arrived for telepathy. We ended up trying to transmit farther distances. Myself to Mom and Dad. Dad was quite shocked when I transmitted to him, I don't think he knew how strong my telepathy was. Fitz was just trying around the castle grounds. He successfully transmitted to his dad who was on the other side of the castle. Before long it was over, and I was heading to the women's room for tea with Della.

Della just arrived as I sat down. We started making small talk, and found out that we are really quite similar. She met her husband through a selection, she grew up on a small sanctuary, and we have the same favourite colour. Teal. We then started talking about my task. I realized it wasn't actually that hard of a task. We first made a playlist for the event. Then picked a colour scheme for the decorations. Oceanic colours, like green, blue and of course teal. Della and I continued to meet throughout the week to continue planning, and figure out any finicky things.

Hey I would love to dedicate this chapter to CTidwell7, The first person to vote. Her works so far are really good. I can't wait to see what she will come up with over time. Thanks -twinkle7102

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