Chapter 27: The Epilogue

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Sophie's POV

I woke up smiling, my life is great, my wonderful husband is beside me, and my soon to be sixteen year old son is growing up to be the best that he can be. It seems weird how fast time has gone, its like one second Fitz and I were getting married, the next my son, Logan was born. And what seems even quicker, is the time he grew up in. Biana and Dex married a couple years after us, after they fully realized what they felt for each other. They have a wonderful teenage girl named Casie, who has grown up to be one of Logan's closest friends. Casie is more like her mother, in the fact on how much she loves giving  makeovers. She has a heart of gold, much like her fathers. Brooke ended up getting married to a nobleman who lives in the countryside. I couldn't of thought of a more perfect man for her.

Logan, has had a bit of a hard time getting nobility to trust him, especially once he manifested. He is a Mesmer, which tends to make not a lot of people trust him. Though he doesn't use his ability unless he needs to. Fitz, even with Logan's cautiousness has convinced Logan to hold a selection. The announcement is going out tonight after dinner.


Logan POV

The announcement just went out, I have no idea why I even agreed to it. It's very unlikely to actually find someone who I would want to spend my life with. Let alone someone who trusts me. None of the nobility do, a lot of them just fake their trust. Only my family fully trust me, such as Mom and Dad, Aunt Biana, Uncle Dex and Casie. I don't know what I would do without them. Well other than the occasional time Casie decides to give me a makeover, I would be fine without that. Casie is my closest, and only true friend, we've known each other since we were born.  We often spar, due to her mother insisting she learns how to defend herself, even though Casie hates it. She truly is a girly girl. I hate being on the receiving end of her anger. Trust me, you never want to be one the opposite end of one of her throws, especially when she throws shoes.


Haley POV

It seems like I'm the only girl in town who actually doesn't want to compete in the selection, its the only thing anyone talks about in our community. The deadline for entering the draw is tomorrow, and everyone keeps bugging me to enter. But I don't want to even have a chance to be a Royal. It would be like a cage, I couldn't peruse my dream of being a professional dancer. I would have to wear long dresses and makeup, which I hate. I am very clumsy when I'm not dancing, I would fall almost every two minutes in a long dress.  Makeup is practically the bane of my existence, it feels weird wearing it, and it makes my face feel grimy. Besides if I were to compete it would mean I would have to leave all my friends and family. I don't know what I would do without seeing Ava almost every day, she is the closest thing to a little sister I've ever had.



I know that Haley doesn't want to enter the draw, but I am entering her anyways. It is all for the best anyways, the chance of her being drawn is close to none. But she still is in the running for the chance of her life. Who wouldn't want to live in the palace for part of their life? Who wouldn't want to meet the royal family? I know that she wants to pursue her dream of being a professional dancer, but this would give her a boost into pursuing her dream. I know Haley well enough that she is only not entering due to her selflessness, but sometimes you just need to be selfish. It's certainly time that others start caring for her wellbeing too.

Hello my wonderful readers, as you can tell, this is the last chapter. But I have also decided to write a sequel, so this is not a true goodbye yet. I will post when/ the title of the sequel on my profile feed. And on here if I remember. Logan and Haley will be the main characters of the next book, with the occasional chapter from Casie or Ava. Thank you to all the readers who have stuck with me during this journey, and thank you all for the late readers who only joined at the end, or after I have published this. You are all so wonderful, my story wouldn't be the same without you. I probably would have discontinued the story sooner if it weren't for you all. That's all for now, I hope we will meet again soon.


Edit: The sequel is up! It is called 'The Vacker Selection' if you want to go check it out!

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