Chapter 23: Silvy

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So I just changed the chapter title, the chapter is exactly the same as before! Thank you guys so much. OXOX-twinkle7102

I slowly started making my way towards the Alicorn, I noticed that it had a hurt wing. Once Fitz and Dex got to it as well we decided the best course of action would be light leaping to the palace's stables. The stable hands were very surprized at our sudden appearance, and quickly went to go get Elwin. The Alicorn is still scared, so I tried transmitting to it. I quickly learned that she is a girl, and her name is Silveny. Once Elwin arrived, he sedated her, so he could heal her wing.

Fitz is still in shock that we found Silveny. I mean as far as the elven world has known that there is only one Alicorn, so it's not surprizing. Alden and Della, quickly came, after hearing news of an Alicorn. With Biana arriving soon after. Biana started cooing at Silveny, which made Fitz laugh. Apparently he wasn't used to hearing his sister talking in a baby voice. Alden started asking us questions about her, like where we found her. Her name and so on. Once the sedatives wore off Silveny basically started nuzzling Biana, Della and I. Her trasmittions are super loud, but I can't seem to block them. She continuously transmitted things like Friends! Fly! Sophie! Friends! Biana! Della! Fly! Alden was hailing the councillors to come quickly. The councillors are kind of like advisors to the king, but they have much more authority.

Brooke arrives soon after the councillors, she tries to pet Silveny, but she doesn't really like Brooke for whatever reason. After a brief conversation the councillors decide to have Silveny moved to the sanctuary after the selection is over. So she can get used to being around elves.

Silveny seems to be okay around Fitz, eventually she started including Fitz in her trasmittions to me. In return he started calling her Silvy, which she seems to adore. Silveny seems very good at cheering me up as well. I have been stressed to say the least about the competition. She has a very calming aura, even if her personality is quite energetic.

The Fitzroy Vacker Selectionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें