Chapter 12: Waking Up

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Everything was calm, it felt as though I was floating. When I suddenly heard a voice,Sophie where are you? Fitz!I suddenly decided that my old life was better and went to his voice. My eyes half opened, Elwin asked me some questions about how I was feeling then put me back to sleep using some sedatives.

I suddenly woke up asking where Rose was. Elwin came rushing in with Mom and Dad." She's awake they gasped. Elwin immediately notified the Royal Family and Rose and started running tests. Then I noticed the snow on the ground when I asked "how long was I gone?" "It's December 23 Sweetie" Edaline said. Wait I have been gone for over a month? Elwin didn't let me out of bed the whole day unless it was necessary. I have had tons of visitors including Rose, Biana, Della and Alden. It was maybe lunch time when Fitz came, he looked relived that I was up. How are you feeling? I gasped "you can come in now?" Only transmit, but that's pretty cool. He stayed with me for the rest of the day. Luckily that night Elwin thought I was well enough to go to my room. And I was actually well enough to go to dinner that night. The next day Rose had to leave because I was already recovering.

Fitz continued to transmit to me if he wasn't with me. At one point he asked about Ella, my dear stuffy, and told him about how I got her. The next morning the King announced that the top three would be announced on New years, and that Fitz's bride would be chosen at the end of February. This made all the other girls grumpy because they assumed this was because I came back. This was when I realized I hadn't made anyone Christmas presents. I also just realized how weird that Mom and Dad were still here. The next time I saw Fitz I asked him about it. All the girl's family will be here for Christmas, he replied. After I asked this I shoed him out so I could embroider everyone Christmas presents. I started with Mom and Dad, then Fitz's, Biana's, the King and Queen's then finally the other girls presents. It was close to dinnertime when I finished so I went to see Biana. She was super excited to see me and started doing makeup and stuff almost as soon as I got in. I am the only one other than her maids who let her do makeovers on them. And she clearly missed it so I let her.

Everyone seemed to go to bed early because well, it was Christmas Eve and everyone wanted to wake up early. I don't usually dream in my sleep. But I found myself dreaming about Fitz, his beautiful teal eyes, how he is overly perfect, his movie star smile. I ended up sleeping better than I have been the last two days.

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