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Woozi and (y/n) were walking down the streets of Busan. Silence lingered around them, as neither of them knew how to start the conversation. (y/n) was busy observing things around her and Jihoon just wasn't able to find the words to say.

pretty ironic for a songwriter... he thought to himself and chuckled. The sudden noise, even though it wasn't very loud, brought (y/n)'s attention to her companion.

Only then she really realized how awkward this whole evening became, and she couldn't help but feel guilty. Afterall she was the one that snapped at him a while ago.

'Where are we exactly going?' she asked him as they crossed another street. Woozi sent her a look but didn't answer immediately. Instead they walked toward the place that he knew very well.

'When I was in highschool I used to come here all the time.' Woozi said as he led her toward a hill covered in trees. (y/n) looked around, not really spotting anything unusual about the place.

'You're not going to murder me here do you?' she asked him jokingly and the boy laughed softly at her. She was trying to bring up the mood, he knew that.

Ever since he first met (y/n) he began to observe her. He had to admit that at the beginning she caught his attention because of her looks, and the fact that she was involved in something Jihoon loved himself, music. But as the time went he started to realize more about her.

She showed him that she was a hard working person, that didn't care about her appearance. She was someone that would rather feel comfortable than pretty, which made her stand out in his eyes even more.

She was also someone very delicate. She showed it by absorbing everything around her. And because of that she was later able to create music and lyrics that touched hearts. All those things made Woozi look at her as someone he always thought of, while writing.

'I won't murder you, I like you too much to do it.' he said and started to lead a way, leaving flustered girl behind.

(y/n) stood there frozen for a few seconds. She still didn't know why her heart race when he said things like this. And she had to remember to ask baekho about it, when she gets back to Seoul.

The when she noticed that Jihoon stopped and saw that she wasn't following after him, she snapped out of this little trance and run up to him. Then they continued to walk, the atmosphere now lighter.

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'Did you liked it?' Woozi aske (y/n) as they were sitting in the bus stop again. This time waiting for a bus to go back to his house.

"Yeah... it was nice to walk around.' she said. She actually was really interested in the whole city, since she never got a chance to visit it.

She always dreamed of traveling but never had a courage to step out of her routine alone. And now that she had Jihoon around, she felt a bit more comfortable.

The bus rolled on the bus stop slowly and they walked inside. After they paid for their ride, they walked to the middle of the bus and sat down on the seats. The bus was almost completely empty, only few older ladies going back home.

Jihoon glanced at (y/n), who was looking out of the window. Her eyes slowly getting heavier as she tried to absorb all the views that they were passing by.

'How long do you want to stay here?' Woozi asked her, and the girls reopened her eyes, that began to close. She then turned toward the boy.

'How long can I stay?' she asked him, her voice quiet. Jihoon looked at her, noticing how tired she looked. Her eyes looked puffy, as if her own body wanted to close them.

'You can stay how long you want.' he said to her and the girl nodded.

Jihoon expected her to turn back toward the window but the girl put her head on his shoulder instead. He could hear his heart start to race, and he began to worry that (y/n) would hear it. But she didn't react, instead she closed her tired eyes again.

'I'll stay with you.' she whispered and started to drift away toward her dreams, leaving panicked boy alone.

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harmony // lee jihoon x reader [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now